[Chapter 10]

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I'm Not O-Fucking-Kay


"Music time with my two favourite bitches." I gave a forced smile and sent it to Patrick as we entered the classroom to see Frank looking slightly stressed out over something and only about four people sat in their chairs.

Both Patrick and Brendon headed to the back of the class to where I usually sat whilst I walked over to Frank, feeling kind of bad for him. I mean, he looked pretty stressed out about something, "You okay, Sir?"

Frank looked up at me with a huff of annoyance and looked up at me as if he had given up, "It's really hard organising a school trip for my whole music class. Plus having two new that I have to talk to about the task, give them the lowdown on the trip and what we're doing for this term."

I patted Frank's shoulder comfortingly, ignoring the weird look I got for doing so, "I can explain everything to one of the new kids, and I can stay in at lunchtime to help out organising the trip if you'd like?"

Frank beamed at me once I finished, standing up and took a few papers with him to the door with me following behind, "Do you think you can talk to the new guy named Tom? Brendon's got Patrick covered, and I would really appreciate it if you could explain it to Tom for me."

Before I could get my voice heard, only one syllable out of my mouth before Frank walked out and closed the door, leaving me no choice but to comply with what he asked me to do.

Looking back at the class I saw Tom perched on a table at the back, already looking at me with a smirk and a cocked head as if he already knew I had to talk to him this lesson.

I didn't want to let Frank down, even if it meant that I was required to talk to him. I had to do this. I can do this. It's only the simple task of explaining what it was we had to do and go over the trip, then I would be free to escape from him. I would be able to go right over to Brendon and cower in the corner.

The walk from the classroom door to where Tom was sat was excruciatingly long and painful, and the closer I got the more scared of him I became. Was he always this intimidating? Did he always have that look in his eyes that told you he could destroy you easily?

I eventually got there, just standing in the space in front of him and almost panicking because this was just too close for comfort.

"Hey, Gee." Tom mumbled as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into his body and between his legs, now this was definitely too close for comfort, "I miss you."

Tom smirked up at me as his hands trail down my sides, past my hips so he can touch my thighs gently before going back up to my hips and gripping tightly on them, showing that even though I had the height advantage right now he was still in power, just like always.

The stronger boy went to lean up and kiss me, but I turned my head, letting him get a mouthful of hair so I could face Brendon and Patrick who just stared at me helplessly, Patrick looking confused and angry and scared and worried all at the same time, but the frown on Brendon's face didn't give away that much.

One of Tom's hands let go of my hip before snaking up and grabbing onto my hair so he could pull me down so we were face to face.

"Who said you were allowed to deny me a kiss? Aw, Gee. I think you've already forgotten the punishment for it." Tom smiled evilly as his grip became tighter on my black hair as if to remind me.

No, no, no! I do remember what he does to me, the 'punishment', the whole process of humiliation that he puts me through. The worse thing about it is, that he doesn't do it in front of people, he doesn't embarrass me by telling everybody about how submissive and defenceless I am, he just keeps it to himself.

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