[Chapter 23]

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I'm Not O-Fucking-Kay.


The time here seemed to be passing quickly, all of it seeming to be just a big blur of dividing all of my time between friends and Frank. I spent most of the morning and afternoon with Brendon, Patrick, Dallon and everyone else, then I would spend my night with Frank, talking to him about anything we thought about, me being the one that avoided certain subjects.

My trust for Frank was sky high, I felt like I would tell him anything I wanted to tell him, but I never thought it would have been a right time to tell him. I didn't want to load the whole thing onto him and expect him to take it all in his stride and take it on board without flipping out about one or two things that I tell him.

I didn't really want for Frank to know everything about me and Frank happily went along with me, knowing that I didn't want to mention a lot of things and that didn't seem to Boyer him. It was like Frank knew all the subjects he should and should not bring up around me, he didn't try to hint towards things like so many other people seemed to do all the time. He just let me do whatever I was doing.

"Gerard c'mon!" Brendon yells from the lake, bobbing up and down slightly as he started treading water to keep his head up, "You have to come and have fun with us!" Brendon calls out again, dipping his head under water and swimming closer towards me, emerging from the water ten seconds later and closer to me, "Stop being such a killjoy, Gee!"

I shake my head and shuffle even further away from the water and clutch my lyrics book to my chest as some sort of protection against Brendon and his water fun, knowing that it would've been completely defenceless if Brendon really wanted me to get into the water with him and everyone else in the water.

"Dude, I'm fine with sitting here. We have three days left until we have to perform our thing in front of people and I haven't finished the song yet nor have I gotten anyone to play drums or guitar for me. This week isn't going too well for me."

Brendon laughs at me and looks around, turning back to me with a smirk, "Well, if you didn't spend all of your time having fun with your little boyfriend Frank, I do believe you would have sorted all of your work by now."

"Hey! I am not little!" Someone interrupted me from talking from behind me, instantly recognising the owner of the voice to be Frank and I grinned instantly, making Brendon laughing even more at Frank and I, "Sure sir, whatever you say!" Brendon then started to look through all of the students that were around the area with their friends, as if looking for someone in particular.

"Hey! Ollie! Come here for a minute, mate?" There was a groan before footsteps heading this way, Frank sniggering to himself whilst this Ollie guy made his way over to us, "What do you want Douche-nugget? I was pretty happy over there singing scrappy pop songs."

Brendon smirked a little and raised his eyebrows at me once before looking back at Ollie, "Alright Fuck-brain, you can play guitar right? Really well?" I turn to see the boy standing there looking between Brendon and I before shrugging carelessly, obviously wanting to be somewhere else where Brendon wasn't.

"Wanna play guitar for Gerard on performance night?" Ollie looked back at me with a wide grin, obviously imagining the possibilities of what could go down between us musically, so much more into this conversation now that a whole new window of topic was open and up for discussion, Ollie coming to sit down beside me, "So, if I'm gonna be your guitarist, I guess I should know how you want me to play, unless you haven't decided yet?"

I looked down at my sheet of lyrics and thought about it for a second before handing him the book, balling my hands up into fists as I watched his eyes scan the paper with each moment that passed by us, before he completed the nearly finished page of lyrics and looked back up at me with a wide smile, "I've heard a lot of things about you in the last few days and from what I've heard you are a quiet guy that don't stand up for himself. Man, your lyrics made me wanna join the mafia and kill a couple of people who owe me money."

I'm Not O-Fucking-Kay (Frerard)Where stories live. Discover now