[Chapter 4]

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I'm Not O-Fucking-Kay


Was it weird to be taking a special interest on the outcast kid that I just met today? Most definitely.

Was it bad that I stuck up for him in the staff room when I heard two women gossiping about him? More than likely.

Was it not ordinary that I let him throw a paper plane at me with a note on it? Yes, but I couldn't find it in myself to not allow him to do the airplane thing and to not defend him. Nor could I bring myself to not reply to his note.

It was a simple apology from him which brought a smile to my face as I went to the front to get a pen from my desk so I could write a reply. I unfolded the paper and shook my head when I saw it was today's task that he had used but ignored it, writing back to his 'I'm sorry I didn't speak to you - Gerard'

'It's okay, if I were you I wouldn't speak to practically a stranger either- Frnk'

I folded it into half, half again and then once more before seeing someone on the row in front of Gerard needed my assistance. I smiled at the convenience of that. Perfect.

Making my way over and drawing attention from the one person I wanted it from, I dropped him the note as I walked past a few students to the one needing the help, "Yes?" I asked with a smile, watching Gerard unfold the paper and read the words I wrote, a smirk forming.

"Do we have a certain time limit for this song? And do we have to make it longer than a certain time?" I turned my attention back to the kid asking questions while Gerard wrote his reply down so I could get the reply back once I answered this kid.

"Look at it this way, some of the best songs are quite short, so it doesn't necessarily matter how long it is, but it would be preferred to be longer than a minute, around three to four minutes would be ideal but if it's longer then that is okay." I smiled, and the kid- I think his name was Joe- nodded and went back to his notebook that seemed to be full of ideas he was already.

As I walked past Gerard again he stuffed the paper into my hand before ruffling through his bag and getting his notepad out of it. Hopefully to start on the song he was supposed to complete.

I walked back to the front of the class and sat down as I started to open up the paper again to see what he wrote; Frnk? Is that really your name? What happened to vowels? No, you're only trying to help the outcast kid, I just can't talk to people out loud about them things- grrd

I smiled sadly as I read it, picking up the pen and tapping it against the table a few times before I started writing; don't make fun of me, my parents must've been drunk naming me or something, it's cool dude, don't worry- Frnk (don't take the piss, Grrd)

Soon, the class came to an end without me finding a chance to give the note back to Gerard so I held onto it, as soon as the bell went I saw Gerard look up looking slightly shocked that it was time for lunch.

Everyone quickly escaped from my classroom except one black haired boy at the back of the room, taking his time putting away his pen into his pencil case and notepad into his before zipping his bag closed and slinging it onto his shoulder and walked towards the front slowly.

"How's the lyrics going so far? I know it can take a long time to write a good song but I have high hopes for you." Gerard's cheeks flushed and he half smiled, his eyes diverting away from me to the floor, "I got a little done but I don't think that they're gonna make it into the final product."

Gerard shrugged as he looked up off of the floor but not at me, "I'll get there sometime, I guess." I smiled and nodded, genuinely excited for what Gerard had in store for the class.

I wasn't stupid or ignorant, I saw the looks that other people had given him just in today's music class. If it was that harsh in here, it must have been so much worse on the corridors. Those looks and whispers in classes must be the reason for Gerard's behaviour.

But it couldn't just be people staring at him, can it? Why would they look at him weirdly just because he's walking along a hallway? He doesn't look odd, he has black hair and pale skin, there isn't anything strange about that.

Gerard doesn't wear any obvious make up that sticks out and makes him, himself stick out, he doesn't have his hair brightly or oddly coloured which would attract everyone's attention and I don't believe that he acts out in a way that makes people stop and stare.

"Oh, here's the paper. I'm just gonna sit here and mark the last two musical tests before period seven. I hope you have a nice lunchtime, Mr Way." I smiled at him and sat down in the swivel chair and put my feet up on the desk, taking my black thermos covered in stickers full of coffee into my hands.

"I-I was wondering... Is it okay if I spend lunchtime with you in here? I don't really wanna go outside and it's too loud and busy in the cafeteria." Gerard stopped talking, biting down on his bottom lip as if he was stopping himself from talking more.

"Gerard, you didn't have to ask. Sit down and make yourself at home. We'll have fun our own fun without those losers." I smiled as Gerard placed his shoulder bag on the floor and sat up onto the desk, crossing his legs with a smile.

"Where's your lunch?" I asked, raising his left eyebrow at him, "It's in my bag but I don't really feel hungry right now," Gerard paused for a moment, a grim look on his face before raising an eyebrow at him, "And where is your lunch?"

I laughed, spinning the chair so I was facing the computer set up, I typed in my password to unlock it and went through the schedule for the next two periods and then for tomorrow, "Hey! I've got you tomorrow too!" Gerard groaned playfully, sliding off of the table and walking over to me to look over my shoulder.

"What period is it?" Gerard asked as he tried seeing when it was, "Second." I grinned as I pointed to the certain part on the timetable for Gerard to see for himself, causing him to groan again, "Damn, you in the morning?"

I gasped, clutching my heart playfully, "You're just breakin' me up here, Gee! How could you do this?" Gerard laughed and rolled his eyes before trailing off and turning his head so we were face to face, "Gee...?" Gerard asked slowly, a smile spreading on his face.

My cheeks heated up as I realised I had given him a nickname, "I didn't realise I called you that, sor-" My eyes widened when Gerard came even closer and pressed his lips to my own, but before I would even get into the kiss I pulled back, eyes glancing at the door before back at him.

"What was that?" I asked, watching Gerard's face for any kind of emotion but he just shook his head, "I'm so sorry, I don't know why I done that I just- panicked. Please don't hate me, it was stupid and I never should have done that."

I shook my head at him, holding my hand up and swivelling my chair so I had my back to him, "Calm down, Gerard, I won hate you. It was an accident. Just... Please don't do it again?" I asked, rubbing my eyed with my hands.

"Of course, I didn't mean... I'm sorry, Frank. I didn't think, you could have a girlfriend, a wife, children... I just done that? God, I'm so stupid. I'm sorry." I felt Gerard's hand hover above my shoulder but he pulled back, "I've got to go locker, I'll see you tomorrow morning, I guess."

Gerard picked up his bag and practically ran out of the room and slammed the door behind him.

God, why did I even let that happen? Was that my fault? Did I give him ideas?

I sighed, leaning back in my chair and looked down at the desk and noticed the folded up paper, realising Gerard had wrote me a reply. Opening it, I read over it and smiled; probably.. Maybe one day I'll tell you things- Grrd.

I'm Not O-Fucking-Kay (Frerard)Where stories live. Discover now