[Chapter 11]

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I'm Not O-Fucking-Kay


I got back into the classroom to dead silence, everyone looking down at their work other than Brendon who was sitting in the corner silently seething with Patrick trying to calm him down despite the fact he looked completely frightened by Brendon's side.

Frank stood at the front of the class and stared across the room, his arms across his chest and face blank.

Feeling slightly better and relieved I walked over to Frank and halfheartedly smiled at him, "I would prefer if I didn't have to tell you what happened by myself, but if Brendon wouldn't mind telling you then so be it, that's how you'll find out."

Frank nodded with his eyes still glued to the floor, "Brendon, please come up to the front for a moment. I would like to speak to you and Gerard."

There was a scrape of a chair and footsteps, Brendon's presence right beside me in a matter of moments, "Did Gerard tell you what happened yet?" Frank shook his head, finally looking up to me and Brendon, his eyes bouncing between the both of us.

"He decided that you should tell me what happened just now." Frank dropped his hands from his mouth and looked up at me, only now realising that it was more serious than he originally thought.

Brendon looked at me quickly, as a confirmation. I nodded before quickly walking to the back of the class where Patrick was waiting patiently for someone to be with him. The class was still extremely quiet, and I'm guessing they will be for the rest of class.

"Are you okay, Gerard?" Patrick asked with wide eyes as I nodded, sitting down and just trying to ignore Tom sitting at the front just staring at me seemingly just wanting to get some sort of reaction out of me in doing so.

"I'm okay, trust me."

Patrick nodded slowly, watching me get out my lyric notepad, open it up to a page I wanted to continue on before he thought I was okay enough to go about my business without being supervised by him.

Once Patrick thought I was distracted and he got on with his own work, I looked up and over to Brendon at the front, only now realising that he uses a lot of hand actions when he's trying to explain things to someone.

I could somewhat hear Brendon from where I was sat, making out certain words that he says to Frank that went along with his actions. Sighing as I realised something. If I could hear from this far away, then I was sure that everyone in between me and Frank could hear what Brendon was saying.

Instead of even trying to get on with my work like Patrick was, I kept glancing up at the clock before looking back down at Frank and Brendon, and as soon as my eyes met with Frank's I shifted my gaze away from him to the clock once more.

But as soon as I was certain he wasn't looking at me anymore I look right back at him, studying his face, emotions, movements and reactions to what he was being told. Not that he seemed to show that much emotion other than to be pissed off.

Frank seemed to be proving that theory I had a while ago.

Which was that the most kind, caring and patient people were the hardest to break, but as soon as you did find a way to break them they would be willing to do anything to get back at you, possibly even murder.

And right now Frank had that murderous glaze in his eyes as he continued to listen to whatever Brendon was still talking about giving a nod every so often when he thought it was necessary.

Did Frank realise how much of a failure I was?

Did he notice that I wasn't worth it and was he going to give up on me?

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