[Chapter 12]

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I'm Not O-Fucking-Kay.


It had been a good week and a half since that whole day when Frank had kissed me in the back of the classroom. Since that day, I had gotten many winks from the older man, his number and a few more kisses on the cheek from him, but nothing serious between us.

Was it good that we weren't that serious with each other? Each time that we did kiss each other's cheeks, it was as a little joke and it was always when I was the last person to leave his classroom. It had never been in front of someone, I guess I understand why that was, but when it did happen Frank seemed perfectly comfortable with what he was doing.

Brendon took me with him for his five minute fag break, Patrick going ahead of us to class, to get there early enough to save himself a Apple Mac to continue working on composing his music, then probably go on photo booth to take pictures of him with random people in class.

"Mr. Iero so has a thing for you." Brendon spoke up so he could break my thinking mind set and of all the subjects he could have picked he chose a really touchy subject, "He does not!" I thought about it, even though I was trying to say he didn't, it was obvious that there was something because I don't really recall him kissing other students.

Brendon just laughed and rolled his eyes, folding his arms across his chest and making sure to be careful he didn't burn himself whilst he started brushing his knees against one another as a way to warm himself up against the biting wind that was aimed right in our direction, dragging a load of tiny rain droplets with it and soaking us.

"The best part is that you have a thing for him too." Brendon smirked before frowning at the fag between his index and middle fingers, no more smoke twisting up from the end and it wasn't glowing anymore, meaning that it was too windy to smoke and the rain will probably put it out, so he just broke some off of the end and tucked the rest into his blazer pocket.

I knew for a fact my cheeks reddened as I watched Brendon do what he was doing, "I do not have a thing for him! I'm not gay, how dare you." Brendon laughed again as he led me back into the building and towards our music classroom, "Gerard, you dated Tom. You might not be gay, but you do like guys."

I was silent for a moment. I felt a lot more stupid now for forgetting that everyone that went to this school knew about the whole relationship I had with Tom by now, and if they didn't then they didn't have any friends and they didn't listen to all the gossip that was said around the halls.

We came into the class, Frank used to the both of us being late by now and he didn't question it anymore, he didn't even turn his head when we got through the door. Both Brendon and I walked up to Frank at his desk and placed our white envelopes onto the spare space so he would notice them.

That's when Frank finally looked up at us, eyebrows raised tiredly and dark circles underneath his eyes, a blank look on his features, "Err, the permission slips, right?" Frank asked, nodding when we started nodding, "And I'm assuming you two want to be in the same cabin?"

Me and Brendon looked at each other before back at Frank nodding simultaneously, "So you two, Patrick, Spencer, Dallon and Jack?" Frank read off of his note sheet, pointing at each word with his blue biro pen as a way to keep his place, another hint at how tired Frank really was this morning.

I was fine with the arrangement, not exactly caring that Jack was going to be staying in the same room as me, just happy I was staying with four of the coolest people in the school, but Brendon seemed to disagree with the arrangement, "Do we have to have Jack? He's already started on Gerard on three separate occasions since last week."

I knew Brendon wanted to continue with reasons why we shouldn't be in the same room as Jack, but Frank was looking slightly stressed out again, so the nerd beside me stopped there and became quiet. Once I knew he wasn't going to speak anymore and Frank wasn't going to say anything, I spoke up, "I don't mind sharing with Jack, it's Brendon you have to worry about."

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