[Chapter 9]

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I'm Not O-Fucking-Kay


I started thinking over the lyrics for the music task, thinking about what it could be about, whether it should be happy-ish, sad or as a sort of hateful song. Did I want it to have a lot of lyrics or only a few?

I turned to a new page away from what I had wrote in the bathroom the other day as I thought up a few new lyrics, 'Running away and hiding with you

I never thought they'd get me here'

I tapped my pen against the lined paper, staring at the corner of the room near where our tutor teacher was doing the register, no where near my name yet so I started humming a tune that might go well with the lyrics, nodding my head along to it and actually congratulating myself.

The boy in front of me leant backwards so he had his elbows rested on the desk and his face close to mine, "That sounds pretty good, do you perform solo?" Brendon scrunched his nose up in an attempt to get his glasses up higher but he failed in that task.

Being a good friend, I poked them for him and pushed them up his nose a little forcefully and laughed when he wobbled on his chair and almost fell off, "No, I used to have a band with my younger brother and some of our friends. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to use them for this though."

Brendon nodded and drummed his fingers against the desk, yelling 'Here!' when his name was called for register, informing me that it was almost up to my name and I waited to announce myself before continuing the conversation, "Maybe you can borrow my band for a while to perform and I can have them back."

"Thanks, I feel special." I deadpanned, writing a little more of the lyrics I thought up 'Not knowing you'd change from just one bite

I fought them all off just to hold you close and tight'

"You are." Brendon replied and sent me a sarcastic smile before rolling his eyes when our tutor yelled at him, "Brendon! Push your sleeves down!" Brendon stopped holding onto the table so his chair would swing back on to all four legs and made a show of pulling down each sleeve.

"Good. Now stop turning around to speak to Gerard."

Brendon gave me a look as if to say he wanted to rip this teacher's head off before swerving around to face the front. I didn't mind at all, of course I liked talking to Brendon, but I also liked sitting by myself and thinking things over, thinking up lyrics or ideas of things to draw.

Maybe I should bring the old band back up, raise it from the grave and make it a thing again. It would be the perfect thing for us as friends, and it would help me pass this part of the exam. I guess it wouldn't hurt ag all.

The bell went off and the class erupted into a load of scraping chairs, chatter and laughter whilst I continued sitting there and packed away my notepad and pens, being the last to stand up and head out with Brendon right by my side.

"So what do you think you're gonna do for your performance?" Brendon asked, slinging an arm around my shoulders as people gave us disgusted looks and hisses, "What? We have to actually perform the song? I though we were just getting graded on our lyric writing?"

"Ah, young Gerard. Also, Mr. Iero added onto the task whilst you were sitting in the hallway and I was back in the class. The last day of the trip, we have to give a little 'taster' of what we started, but it can't be the song we perform for the final grade."

I groaned, playfully punching Brendon on the arm, "You had to come along and ruin my day, didn't you Bren?" Brendon laughed, waving to a group of people before steering me into my next class, "That's what friends are for, Gee. I'll see you at break, yeah?"

I ran my fingers through my fringe to get it out of my eyes and nodded, "Yeah, that's if Mr. Iero doesn't come out and find me again. If he does I'll text you or something." I gave a shrug, actually half hoping that I do have to go into that classroom again so I can just sit there with out having stares being burnt into my skin.

Brendon nodded with a smile, pulling a pissed off face to the back of someone's head after they had knocked into him before waving goodbye and disappearing from sight.

Taking a long look around the room I notice that quite a few students were still to arrive and so was the teacher, but there was a awkward looking kid standing at the front of the classroom besides the teacher's desk looking awfully scared to be here.

Huh. New kid. Maybe people will start to bitch and spread rumours around about him instead of me.

Soon, everyone had arrived, along with the teacher and she had told the new kid to take a seat either with me or the girl closer to the front that looked quite pissed off at the moment.

The boy hesitated before walking over to me and sliding into the chair that was already out and waiting or him.

"Hey!" he exclaimed, holding out his hand as if he was waiting for me to shake it, which I did... Very slowly, but I did. So much for this kid looking awkward up at the front of the class, I can see that he was going to be one that bullied me later on.

"My name is Patrick! Who are you?" I took a closer look at Patrick, his mousy brown fringe flopping down over his eyes which were framed with black glasses much like Brendon's, and he was a little bit chubby in the cutest way possible.

I mean, if I didn't kiss Frank first I would've totally kissed Patrick for sure, he was adorable, "I'm Gerard. It's cool to meet you. Thanks for choosing to sit next to me, dude." Patrick grinned, already seeming to not care about listening to the teacher.

Not that I was bothered about the work or listening to our teacher for that matter, but I didn't really want for him to get in trouble and be labelled as the kid that doesn't listen in class, "No worries. I think I found you more appealing than the grumpy girl at the front."

We both looked at the girl who not only looked like she would stab a bitch, but also bored as fuck, "It must suck to constantly look like someone pissed in your Cheerios, man." Patrick mumbled to himself, shaking his head as he crossed his arms over his chest.

I stared at him for a few seconds before giggling at his words.

The rest of the lesson flew by with Patrick so much that it was a shock when the bell went off and our teacher dismissed us, "Hey, do you think I could hang out with you and your friends at break time?" Patrick asked with a hopeful smile, looking even more adorable than before.

"Do I look like the person to have loads of friends, Patrick?" I asked, giving him a really look, "Sure you can, want me to message you when second period ends so I'll be able to find you easier?"

Patrick nodded and hands his phone over to me, letting me do the honours of typing in my number and texting myself from his phone as we walked out, Brendon joining us when we left the classroom, "Patrick, meet one of my two friends, this is Brendon."

Brendon gave a smile and wave to Patrick who returned the deed, "So how did you guys meet each other?" Patrick asked once he had gotten his phone back off of me, putting it in his blazer pocket, "You make it sound as if me and Gerard are dating."

Me and Brendon ignored people that were still into the staring at us thing, but I could see from the look on Patrick's face that he had picked up on it, "Brendon was in the toilet cubicle next to me and I heard him singing, so I left my toilet at the same time as him to see who he was."

Patrick gave both me and Brendon a weird look before shaking his head, "Well isn't that just a romantic way to meet each other."

I laughed, "Yeah, just after Brendon took a shit, it was true love." I got to Brendon's class and wave goodbye before continuing towards my class on the opposite end of the hallway, Patrick going into the classroom on the left whilst I went into the one on the right.

Just two more periods until music time. I didn't know whether I was excited for the fact that I'll be seeing Mr. Iero once again or scared that I was going to be in the same room as Tom for more than one period in a row.

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