[Chapter 14]

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I'm Not O-Fucking-Kay


"Gerard, is it okay if you ride up front with me?" Frank asked, Brendon who was standing beside me mumbled something about me preferring to ride Frank himself, "Okay, sir. I don't mind at all." As soon as Frank turned his back towards me and Brendon, I punched Brendon's arm, hard.

"What the Hell was that for?!" Brendon exclaimed, clutching onto the spot I hit dramatically, as if I could've caused some real damage to him with one hit. I rolled my eyes at him and started walking after Frank with my bags, noticing that Frank had picked up the one he had and was taking it to the van he was going to be driving, throwing it in one of the front seats.

Brendon and I made our way to the van we were going to be in, Patrick was already there with his bags and he was climbing in, "Okay, you have got to tell me everything that goes on, okay? You need to give me all the information, don't spare any details. I want to know what he says, what you say, what you both do, every single thing."

That was the best part about me sitting up front with Frank, there was a barrier between the drivers area and the backseats. I stopped about two meters away from the van, not wanting Frank to hear this conversation, "Bren, there won't be a lot said, he's driving a long way so I don't really wanna distract him, and I don't want us to be getting into a crash."

Brendon huffed, obviously upset he didn't get to know about everything me and Frank say, "If it makes you feel better, I'll text you whenever we talk. But I'll also be texting Mikey so dong bitch when I don't reply straight away." I warned and Brendon nodded eagerly, going his separate way to the back door of the van whilst I made my way to the passenger seat.

I put my other bags in the foot space below my seat and sat cross legged as I started pulling the seatbelt over my body, clipping it in as Frank slid in with a smile, "Hey there, pretty boy." Frank smiled widely as he saw my cheeks break out onto a blush, "You're blushing because I called you pretty? Shouldn't you be offended?"

I narrowed my eyes at him, now realising he didn't call me pretty because he actually thought I was pretty, it was because Frank had just wanted to see if he could offend me with it, "Why would that offend me? Hell yeah I'm going to accept being pretty as a compliment, I'm the prettiest boy in this damn school. Probably the prettiest girl, too."

Frank laughed as he put the key in at the same time as taking the hand break off and then changing into first gear, putting both hands back on the steering wheel and pressing his foot down on the pedal, shifting in his seat to get slightly comfier for the long drive ahead, "Can you teach me how to drive properly? I know the basics obviously, but can you teach me everything else?"

Frank laughed as he was trying to not take his eyes off of the road we were now on, flicking the indicator up and checking both ways and turned right, "Sure thing. I guess there's time at night when everyone else is sleeping, no one will catch us driving in the field behind unless they were sneaking out themselves."

Frank laughed as he shook his head to himself, "Hopefully you don't crash anything. That's all I hope for other wise we will certainly be caught, I would possibly be fired and you would be in deep shit." I raise an eyebrow at him but decide not to say anything more on it, "You can't back out of the deal now, Frankie. You'll have to go through severe torture if you try that."

We both fell into a silence as we hit the main road, falling into some traffic behind a red light, Frank putting the hand break back on and sitting back with a sigh, "It's gonna be a long ride." I settled in, I took my earphones out of my pocket and plugged them into my phone, pressing on shuffle and locking my phone before I got to find out what song it was.

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