[Chapter 19]

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I'm Not O-Fucking-Kay.


Brendon and I made our way into the main hall once more, my eyes scanning over the room now holding more kids from our music class, the other music class and some from the art classes, I assume. Some were up on the stage, standing or sitting up there whilst others were by the windows, or sitting on the floor in front of the stage, some people I had never seen in my whole life to the far right of the room.

Brendon searched the room real quick before making his way over to the stage, closer to the podium with two microphones and a group of our friends, Patrick grinning and waving us over eagerly before continuing his conversation with Andy, smiling when I sat down on the floor beside his feet with my back leaning up against the stage.

I kept a look out, mainly for Frank's return from the toilet, but I also kept a look out for anyone that was watching Frank, or watching me and trying two put two and two together.

When Frank had successfully gotten back into the hall without Brendon noticing where he had come out from, a sigh of relief left me, calm washed over me as I watched Frank starting to talk to another teacher from another school happily, making her smile and laugh a little. Then making the fire in my stomach flare up and glare at the woman that placed her hand on Frank's arm.

"You look like you could use a hand job."

I whipped my head to my new found friend, watching the boy sit down beside me as he laughed at the glare I shot him, turning back to watch Frank excuse himself from the woman and make his way over to our group, the biggest smile on his face as he did so, "Shouldn't you be giving Alex a hand job instead of offering me one?" I snapped, crossing my arms over my chest angrily.

Jack laughed and slung an arm around my shoulders, neither of us explaining to Brendon and Patrick as to why we seemed like the best of friends in such a short time frame, "Hey, don't take this out on my hand jobs because you aren't getting any."

I rolled my eyes and slumped further down against the stage, leaning into Jack's side and pouting up at Brendon hoping for his comfort but he seemed too busy being friends with Dallon and some other guy I don't exactly remember to pay attention to me being childish, "What's the worst that I can say right now? You're stuck here with me and Frank wasn't paying much attention to you two seconds ago."

"I'm not sure whether you really are my friend now or you're just pretending to be a really nice guy because Alex is watching us right now and you're actually still bullying me." Jack rolled his eyes at me and looked up at Frank standing in front of us, facing the stage and waiting for silence, everyone stopping their conversations one at a time until no one was talking and we were all waiting on Frank to instruct us.

"As it's the weekend, none of us expect you to do any work today or tomorrow. Of course, you are allowed to do bits of work if you really want to, but as I said it's not compulsory for you to complete any work today." Frank took a pause in his speech, looking somewhere in my direction, before continuing. I, like many others in this hall, blocked out what Frank had to say, my eyes starting to wander around the room, mainly at the other people.

To think I had friends in this hall was great. I had Brendon, Patrick, Dallon, Spencer, I had Joe, Andy, I now had Jack I assume, I feel like I could get along with Alex, too. I had Frank. Back at school I had Cassie, some of the people from her friendship group and Mikey, I never really expected to have more friends than Mikey and the others from the band.

I never really considered any of Tom's friends as my own, none of them liked me much because I was the fucking loser and they were those really popular kids that are all apart of that clique that everyone is jealous of and hated but was too scared of what would happen if anyone voiced those thoughts out loud to anyone out of their own group.

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