An Archer and A Sunset

120 5 4

Hello to you all.  Just so everyone here knows, when you die, you are dead.  It is a thing.

Mira: Ooh!!  Is that a Fate reference I see there?

Just because Archer is in the title, doesn't mean that it is-  Okay, it is.

Mira: I won't tell..

Cana: You gals talking about Archer?  I want to challenge him to a drinking contest.

Me: Of course you would.

Mira: So, who is the chapter really between.

Me: Sagittarius and Erza.  Although, I like calling Sagittarius Saggi.

Cana: Is that supposed to be a reference?

Me: No.

Mira: I think Saggi is cute!

Me: I mean, we could call him Usagi.  That would be a reference, that is kind of weird.

Mira: Yeah.  I don't think Saggi has anything to worry about though.

Cana: With you two, he has everything to worry about.

Me: Pfft.  What are you talking about?

Mira: Doesn't everyone know that you should never mess with what Shipping Queens are talking about?

Me: Totally.  Except, you are the Shipping Queen.  I am just a Blank Admirer.

Cana: Why do I feel like that was another reference?

Me: It was, that's why.

Mira: NGNL for life!!

Me: If you think about it, that sentence sounds pretty weird without the acronyms.  'No Game No Life for life' sounds weird, am I right??

Mira: Right.

Cana: Right.

Natsu: *breaks in* LEFT!!

Gruvia Army: ONWARDS!!

Me: This isn't a Gruvia chapter!!

Cana: Drinking buddies!!

Mira: Oh, right, we have a Gruvia Army meeting later today after the end of this.

Natsu: Can we go left??

Me: I do not have time for this....  Yes, we have a meeting, and yes, Natsu, feel free to go left.

Natsu: *runs into the wall*

Gray: *strips* Maybe left wasn't the best idea, Tabasco Sauce.

Me: *oogling* WAIT!! *stops* PUT SOME CLOTHES ON!!

Gray: Oh, yeah.


Happy: Aye, sir!!

Me: Thanks, Happy, but I'm not a sir.

Happy: Aye!!



«Erza» Hey, Sagittarius, could you help me out with some archery practice?

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