the name of sin

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Cuphead x reader

The goddess of fate resting took notice of the newborn child

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The goddess of fate resting took notice of the newborn child

"What a cute baby." She spoke then broke into a wicked smile

"What fun as well, I'll cast a spell!" for only her amusement mattered in her eyes

You were a simple infant, so sweet and innocent.

That cursed goddess worked for the devil, and he wanted to spread the long forgotten illness once again.

It all started with you.

My eyes were sunken and my whole body was just skin and bones

Everyone that I passed by never forgot to let me know

"A monster is, all that you are! You aren't a normal human!" Words they always throw

But I won't think about such sad things after all, if I do

I won't be able to control the rush of tears that always threatens to flow

You appeared so frail and malformed, a monstrosity to all who gazed upon you.

You try to remain cheerful and optimistic, but their words stung like needles to the heart.

But, you were too stubborn and proud to let them see you cry. 

If I could just have a single wish come true I know that then,

Nothing would be as bad if in this world I had even a single friend

Think of all the wonders every day of life would bring

Even if not for sure, I'd like to think such a wonderful thing

You longed for a companion, anyone to understand the pain you felt.

Oh how wonderful the thought was, but unlikely to happen.

"The rats around are hated, but tell me what could the reason be?"

"Because they're dirty of course!" They said and cruelly laughed at me

You sat in the alley, observing the rodents as they scampered about.

They laughed at your innocent question so harshly.

"Then please explain, for me again, For the sake of someone who's unable to see."

"The act of not seeing your discrimination that you do

I have to ask myself, are the rats dirtier than all of you?"

He had his say, they backed away, "Never do it again!" his voice was ringing through

Even though I'm happier than ever before, but why

Is it that even still my feelings overflow and I begin to cry

A male with a cup shaped head overheard the cruel act.

Gauze wrapped around, covering his eyes, a tuft of gold hair hung over one side of his face and a red striped bendy-straw jutted out.

Angrily, he yelled at the bullies until they all retreated.

He turned to your direction and held his hand out, a warm smile spread across his features.

You cried at the relief that someone cared. 

If I could just have a single wish come true I wish that I

Could appear as a normal girl at least only in your eyes

But the thought alone made my chest ache in pain you see

Why oh why did I have to be born into this world as me?

You hated yourself. You hated how you looked. It hurt knowing in your heart that you could never be truly accepted.

You are a very kind girl I've learned myself

But you always end up blaming yourself

I want to do something that helps to comfort you

That is it, This flower will do, it feels perfectly in bloom

This a splendid lily pure and white like you

I'll place it right here where it belongs sitting next to you

Cuphead hated seeing you unhappy.

He may not be able to see you, but he thought you were a sweet charming young lady.

He had found a lily, a fully bloomed white lily at that.

He laid it down by your sleeping form before going back home. 

The Goddess of Fate appeared and watched us from her resting place

"Ah but if only you could see her deformed and ugly face

"I wonder what expression you'll pull when you finally see

Quite the sight isn't she?"

The goddess once again rose to cause more trouble.

She figured that if his sight were restored, he will run away and shun you like many before him.

The flower that he'd given turned as black as the night sky

An ominous dark lily, lay on the ground before my eyes

"See it's a gift, from this young man, do as you're told and pick it up" Her voice replied

The lily was corrupted in hopes that you would hate Cuphead.

Ahh this must be the punishment that I deserve, because

I had forgotten my place and I had just fallen so deeply in love

This would just be better right? if I were not even alive

You bitterly lamented how you loathed yourself and assumed that you were better off dead.

But you still shouted back at me and called out as cried

"Day by day until we die I'll stay right by your side"

"So please don't cry, from now on you can be a normal girl, alright?"

Cuphead dropped the covering from his eyes, revealing bright ruby orbs that looked at you.

Not with disgust or disdain, but with love and endearment.

Did you see that just now?

The spell has broken like you've woken from a dream that's over now.

The illness went away like a bad dream as he took your hands and kissed them gently.

He loved you even when you couldn't love yourself and somehow he could see the world with the touch of your hand when he couldn't even see his own reflection.

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