deja vu

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Bring on the chill rainAnd we'll go back in timeEverything's the sameWe've fallen into placeThere you were, happy while watching the rain fall from the gazebo rooftop

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Bring on the chill rain
And we'll go back in time
Everything's the same
We've fallen into place
There you were, happy while watching the rain fall from the gazebo rooftop. You and Felix had a rocky relationship, but when push comes to shove, you came right back together.

Why does this keep happening
Crashing down with the lightning
Smash my heart into pieces and sing
These moments fall apart
You wondered why you fall apart in the first place. It was probably due to all the stress you were both under.

You were sick with the inkness. He worked as the city archeologist, and you were a photographer who followed him around on all of his expeditions.

We've walked this path before
You've said your lines, now it's
Time to play my role once more
You had to take long breaks between gigs, as it wore you out. The doctors all recommended that you quit and took it easy, but you were too stubborn. Felix felt that the doctors were right in telling you to stop, but you were happy the way you were doing things.

And we'll restart
The cycle again
And we'll restart
Breaking each other again
Just like most days you worked hard, a little too hard in some cases. You were in the canopy, taking pictures of the birds.

Without warning you collapsed, spitting up ink. Thank God that Felix was nearby.

We're trapped in here
We're trapped in here for good
Felix caught you and held you until you had finished your spell. He was extremely worried. Your spells were getting worse by the day.

"Sweetheart, maybe it's time to call it quits. You need time to recover. I don't want another episode like last week" he said helping you up.

I'm lost in here
I'm lost in here with you
Together, through and through
You nodded, too tired to argue with him. You got in the jeep and went back to camp to rest. Felix took your camera.

"I'll take this with me and photograph everything I find" he said smiling as he pulled the covers over you.

Bring on the excuses
Tell me that I deserve this
Don't let me open my mouth
The next morning you did everything you could to get past your overprotective boyfriend. He wanted you to rest, you wanted to work.

Just as you opened your mouth to argue, he silenced you with a kiss.

"No work today, sit, rest, relax, and stay put"

"Can I at least follow and take them from the scooter? I'll give you the camera if it involves climbing" you bargained.

"Is that a promise?"

"Cross my heart and hope to fly" you replied tracing an x across your chest.

Don't stop the rain from pouring down
So why does this keep on happening
We're crashing down with the lightning
You smash our hearts into pieces and then sing
Just as you promised, you stayed on the ground and relinquished the camera when he had to venture upwards.

You suddenly felt sick again, you called out to Felix as your chest tightened. He swung down as you blacked out and caught you just in time.

These moments are your fault
I'm losing a rigged battle
And you restart the cycle
And you restart breaking me again
You woke up to the loneliness of the empty tent. A note was left, telling you where Felix was.

You sighed frustrated as a dark chuckle resonated. You opened your eyes to see the bastard responsible for your ill health.

The devil stood in the entrance, twirling his tail as he hummed a tune.

"So dollface tell me, have you ever heard of the funny reefer man?" He asked.

We're trapped in here
We're trapped in here for good
"Go crawl back in whatever fucking hole you came out of. I'm not in the mood, Lucifer" you growled.

"And to think I came all the way out here just to see my little sister. How rude!" He teased.

I'm lost in here
I'm lost in here with you
Together, through and through
"Last I checked, a brother is supposed to protect their siblings, not kill them" you said coldly as you poured a glass of water from the pitcher beside you.

In a snap of his wrist the water turned into whiskey. You scoffed and poured it out.

"Oh I forgot, alcohol irritates the ink in your lungs! So sorry~" he cooed changing it back.

These moments fall apart
We've walked this path before
You've said your lines, now it's
Time to play my role once more
"What do you want?"

"I need you to do a little favor for me"

"What do I get in return?"

"Freedom from the illness"

And we'll restart
The cycle again
And we'll restart
Breaking each other again
He held his hand out. You thought for a moment. You glanced over at the photo of you and Felix from a year ago. He was so happy then. He hasn't smiled like that since you fell ill. You wanted him to be happy again.

We're trapped in here
We're trapped in here for good
You looked back up at the devil and took his hand.

"Alright, Lucifer. You've got a deal"

I'm lost in here
I'm lost in here with you
Together, through and through
Felix came back with some fresh food from the market. The bags all clattered to the floor.

You laid there sprawled out onto the floor. A pool of ink dried around your body. The picture frame laid facedown under your hand.

He picked it up and cried. Your face was smudged with ink and a warning was scrawled along the bottom.

"Don't deal with the devil"

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