take it out on me

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[Joey Drew x reader]

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[Joey Drew x reader]

I don't know

I don't know
I don't know anymore
Joey looked down in disbelief. You and Grant had just finished working through the budget and things did not look good for the studio. He was finally met with what he feared most.

"Mr Drew, the facts are all there in black and white. We over did it with the amusement park, the toys aren't selling, and the deadlines aren't being met" Grant started.

"There has to be something we can do! We could let go of some of the animators! Cut the music department to a skeleton crew! Something please!" He didn't wanna hear it, but he had to.

"Joey, we're already down to a skeleton crew throughout the entire studio. The biggest problem is the ink machine" you said sadly.

Thought I had

Thought I had it under control

Hear my voice there it goes
Hear it louder than most
"No I will not sacrifice the machine! There's gotta be another way!" he was outraged.

"Mr Drew, whether you get rid of it or not doesn't matter, the company is doomed! Grow up and face reality! NOT ALL DREAMS COME TRUE!" Grant yelled out of frustration.

You put you hand on Grant's shoulder.

"Uncle Joey, What are you going to do? The machine produces more than eighty gallons of ink weekly. If you were to seal the place up tight and dump it all onto the floors, you would flood half the city within a month" You were on the fence.

What doesn't he understand? The studio is bankrupt.

Here it goes, hear it (1 2 3 4)

It's not worth it
It's not workin'
You wanted it to be picture perfect
It's not over, you don't have to throw it away

"We can sell the excess to other studios! Come on, (y/n), please be reasonable!" he begged.

"*sigh* Uncle, Mom already left a month ago-" you started but were interrupted.

"I know, but please!" he butted in.

"Joey, stop! Just stop! There is no money and no possible way around this!" you snapped.

Grant left some time ago and it was just the two of you in the office.

So scream if you wanna, shout if you need
Just let it go (take it out on me)
"So, you're leaving me too? Just like Henry!?" he spat throwing the contents on top his desk to the floor.

You balled your fists, clutching your skirt and biting your lip as tears welled.

Fight if you need to, smash if you have to
Get control (take it out on me)
"Joey, I don't want to leave, but I'm not making enough money anymore" you said shakily.

"Please, (y/n) we can work something out can't we?" he tried to reason with you.

Scream if you wanna, shout if you need
Just let it go (take it out on me)
Fight if you need to, smash if you have to
Get control

"Joey, if it were just me, I'd say yes"

He smiled hopefully.

You try to move, try to move
Try but don't wanna lose
You So afraid, so afraid
You don't want it to fade
"But, I have a child to look out for. I can't keep scraping the bottom of the barrel to feed Erica and she can't live on bacon soup forever. I'm sorry Joey, I have to do what's best for my family"

Hear my voice, there it goes
Hear it louder than most
Let it go, let it (1 2 3 4)
"I'm your family too! What about this business I built for kids like Erica!?" he was angry again.

It's not worth it
It's not workin'
You wanted it to be picture perfect
It's not over,
You don't have to throw it away
"Joseph! Will you stop trying to guilt trip me!? The last time I gave into you, I lost my husband! I'll be damned if you cause me to lose my daughter too!" you screamed slamming your hands down on the desk.

So scream if you wanna, shout if you need
Just let it go (take it out on me)
Fight if you need to, smash if it helps you
Get control (take it out on me)
"Marcus left? When? Why didn't you tell me?" he was taken back.

"He's been gone for three years now. I didn't tell you because I didn't want your bullshit sympathy!" you hissed bitterly.

So scream if you wanna, shout if you need
Just let it go (take it out on me)
Fight if you need to, smash if it helps you
Get control
Just then Grant knocked on the door.

"Excuse me, Mrs Harper?" he said.

"Yes Grant?"

"Your sitter is here to drop off Erica" Grant said sheepishly.

1 2 3 4
It's not worth it
It's not workin'
You wanted it to be picture perfect
It's not over,
You don't have to throw it away.
"What? She was supposed to keep her until nine! It's only three!" you were panicked.

"She said that-" he was cut off by another woman shoving past.

"The check you gave me bounced. That's the third time this month, Mrs Harper! Since you keep failing to adequately pay my fees, my services are permanently terminated to you! she sneered, dropping the toddler to the floor and walking out.

So scream if you wanna, shout if you need
Just let it go (take it out on me)
You quickly scooped up Erica as she started crying. You rocked her, trying to calm the distressed three year old. You sunk into the chair by the door and sobbed.

Fight if you need to, smash if it helps you
Get control (take it out on me)
Joey tried to console you, but you didn't wanna hear anymore of his excuses.


Just as you opened the door, you watched as your car was repossessed and towed away. 

So scream if you wanna, shout if you need
Just let it go (take it out on me)
Sammy came up to you.

"I'll take you home (y/n). I've got Sarah's car seat, Erica can use it"

"Thanks Sammy" you said sniffling. 

Fight if you need to, smash if it helps you
Get control

"Goodbye Joey. Good luck saving this disaster" you glared bitterly through your tears.

Joey could only stand there and watch as his last bit of hope walked out the door. He lost everything.

His business, family, partner, just everything. It was all gone.

He slunk back to his office as he watched the entire studio clean out their desks and offices and left for good.

Taking a last tour through the studio, he made his final destination there in front of the massive machine.

 Joey looked up at the monstrosity as it clunked loudly and poured out ink. In one hand, he held an old folder holding all of the works copyrighted to his old partner Henry Stein. He smiled as he lifted the other. It contained a black book that he'd written himself, The Illusion of Living.

His grin turned crooked as he opened it up.

"Well old friend, let's see what the wonders of imagination have in store for us. The curtains may have closed, but this is not the end! No this is just the start of a new beginning!" he snickered as he pulled out a letter he had written.

"They'll come back, they always do~" he smirked as he walked off to drop the letter in the postbox.

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