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I sleep all day, I prowl at nightDo anything to feel aliveI'm in the end, just what you made meYou were put in charge by the devil to ensure that the cup brothers fulfilled their assignment

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I sleep all day, I prowl at night
Do anything to feel alive
I'm in the end, just what you made me
You were put in charge by the devil to ensure that the cup brothers fulfilled their assignment. You did your best work at night, everyone in the casino knew that. Cup especially, was aware and was very wary of letting his guard down after sunset.

As a young mink female who is held by contract, you did what you must to survive. In the end, cup was reaping what he sowed. He made you this way by dragging you down to hell with him.

I look the same
But I'm not fine
The master of my own disguise
Looking in the mirror, he could say you looked like the same girl he met years ago, but he knew better. Deep inside, YOU knew better. Who ever this girl was before the casino, died, and her shadow crept through the darkness, hunting for her prey.

If you knew the truth, you'd probably hate me
I need a fight
I've got you, in my sights
But even so, some things never change. You had your finger on the trigger, but couldn't will yourself to pull it. You sat there like a deer in the headlights, staring him down through your scope. The crosshairs lined up between his ruby red eyes and you wanted to puke at the thought of shooting him.

Only one of us will make it out alive
I'm turning into a monster
You better run and hide
You kept telling yourself "it's him or me, If he doesn't die, I will". Unfortunately, it never helped. You walked yourself to hold your tears, but they flowed downwards anyway.

Turning into a monster, right before your eyes
My tongue is a weapon and I'm locked and loaded
When you least expect it you won't know it's coming
And I'll strike
You sat the rifle down in front of you as you sat up and leaned back against the tree you were perched in.

To your dismay and luck, the safety was on, but it fell from the limb, escaping your grasp. It loudly tumbled to the ground below as you weakly hung from the limb after trying to catch it.

'Cause I'm a monster
I'm merciless
When will you learn
Set fires just to watch them burn
You panicked hearing his voice about as he searched the area with his beam ready to fire. He found the rifle easily and not soon after much to your dismay, you. Your grip on the branch failed as you fell down quickly, a sharp help ripping from your throat.

I bet you never saw me coming
Delirium takes over me
You're just another casualty
I can hear your heartbeat drummin'
Swiftly, he caught you. His eyes sparkling in the light of the campfire, grew as big as saucers. What ever or who ever he expected, it was clear it wasn't you.

Your heart beat furiously as your face was redder than his face. You flinched as his free hand moved towards your face, Only to see his expression turn. He went from angry to surprised to what looked like concern. His hand gently stroked your cheek as he cleaned it of the tear stains.

I need a fight
I've got you, in my sights
Only one of us will make it out alive
I'm turning into a monster, you'd better run and hide
"Are you okay? You're not hurt, are you?" He asked you gently as he held you close.
He already figured what was going on, but he didn't have the heart to be angry with you. You just clutched him tightly, fresh tears seeping down, staining his coat.
"Cup.....I'm.....I'm sorry. I'm so sorry! I didn't want to.....I don't want to.....I'm sorry! I can't do this! I'm sorry!" You sobbed as he ran his fingers through your hair.

Turning into a monster right before your eyes
My tongue is a weapon and I'm locked and loaded
When you least expect it you won't know it's coming
And I'll strike
He stood there, hushing you as he rocked you back and forth.
"I know (y/n), I know. It's okay, it's not your fault" he whispered.
He kissed your cheek softly as he held your cold trembling body against his warmth.

'Cause I'm a monster
I'm turning into a monster, you'd better run and hide
Turning into a monster, right before your eyes
You smiled through your tears as you buried your face into his chest. He still loved and cared about you, even though you were sent to kill him, his brother, and his friends.

My tongue is a weapon and I'm locked and loaded
When you last expect it you won't know it's coming
And I'll strike
Morning came before you knew it. You woke up embarrassed to find that you were straddling his waist while being covered in his coat. Cup lazily opened his eyes to see your face beet red. He chuckled.
"Good morning beautiful~ Did you sleep well~? He purred as his hands wrapped around your waist, kissing you fully while you were pinned to him.

'Cause I'm a monster
I'm a monster
Cup wasted no time in explaining your situation. After a hefty argument between he and the ink demon, you were welcomed to the small but growing team.

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