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Counting down all of the hours that passedSafe here inside your arms so tightlyNever knew just quite how long we'd last

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Counting down all of the hours that passed
Safe here inside your arms so tightly
Never knew just quite how long we'd last

It was dead in the middle of a humid summer night. Your nerves were wound tighter than an old tinker toy as you laid there awake. You were safe and sound in Cup and Mug's arms, yet this eeriness loomed over you. Just how long would it be until your father found you again? Just how long will this paradise last? 

But now
I see that I'm meant to be with you
Meant to stay, meant to stay with you
No more grey, no more grey out here to see
And I pray, and I pray it's true
That you'll stay too

You felt them stir, curling closer to your warmth. A smile made it's way to your tear stained cheeks. You kissed them sweetly on their foreheads before getting comfortable again.

For what the price was, this moment right here, was worth it all. All the gold and deals in the world could never make you any happier than you are now.

You just hope that the feeling was mutual for them too.

You know
It's strange no matter how I say
It to you face to face
I feel our hearts beat louder still
They race!

The next morning you awoke to their ever smiling faces. A kiss from each and such simple words, sent your heart a flutter. No matter how many times you've said and heard the words, it still felt like the first time.

One Two Tree Four
Beat our heart is pounding out
One Two Tree Four
Times we've said "I love you" now
One Two Tree Four
It's nice to know you are
One Two Tree Four
Here with me

"I love you boys, so much~" you said kissing them.

"We love you too, (y/n)~" they replied holding you close.

One Two Tree Four
Beat our heart is pounding out
One Two Tree Four
Times we've said "I love you" now
One Two Tree Four
It's nice to know you are
Here with me

You closed your eyes as you remembered the last time you were happy when you said those words.

"I love you Papa!" Your younger self said.

"I love you too my little diamond" came the familiar voice of your father, King Dice.

I'll admit that I'm far from perfect
But no matter what you care for me
Even when I broke your favorite things
You still laughed and then you smiled at me
You decided to go out by yourself for a while since the boys were busy helping Elder Kettle. You traveled down a long forgotten path. Mother nature had taken its opportunity to reclaim the area with her overgrown moss and willow branches.

Buried beyond the flora and fauna, was the quaint cottage you grew up in. Dust may have covered over many things, but the memories remained fresh as morning dew.

His love and affection as he cared for you by himself, was always present. When you broke the vase, he scolded you, but not before checking to see if you were harmed. When you were silly, he never brushed you off, even when it was clear he was busy. Instead he'd laugh and join you, happily taking time from his duties to make you happy.

I guess
It's strange no matter how I say
It to you face to face
I feel our hearts beat louder still
They race!

You were on your knees, crying in the middle of the dusty, dirty floor. There were footsteps outside, though you were too distraught to pay any mind to them. The door creaked open loudly and the steps echoed louder as the grew closer.

A gloved hand reached down with a handkerchief , which you gladly accepted. Suddenly it dawned on you, you weren't alone anymore. You looked down at the rag in hand, it was crisp clean and tailored white. Embroidered in alternating corners, was a square with a single dot, and a diamond. The hand from before, was attached to a figure wearing a bright purple tailored suit.

"What are you doing here diamond?" He asked helping you up.

"Trying you find my way back to a better time, back to when this old place wasn't a broken home and I wasn't the result of a broken family" you said not meeting his gaze.  

One Two Tree Four
Beat our heart is pounding out
One Two Tree Four
Times we've said "I love you" now
One Two Tree Four
It's nice to know you are
One Two Tree Four
Here with me

"Oh darling, You're nothing but the beautiful creation of a greedy woman and a broken man. Unlike what your mother feels, I tried my best to care for you. I took every chance that was thrown at me, made any deal I could; until I made the wrong one" Dice lamented.

"I'm glad that everything with the casino is over now. Still, things....aren't the same without you" you admitted looking up at him teary eyed.

"I've missed you too sweetheart" he said pulling you in for a hug.

One Two Tree Four
Beat our heart is pounding out
One Two Tree Four
Times we've said "I love you" now
One Two Tree Four
It's nice to know you are
Here with me

You couldn't stop crying as you held him tighter. You didn't want this moment to end. You didn't want him to slip away from you again. Dice felt the same as he clung to every detail of this moment. The scent of your perfume, the clothes you wore, the way your hair was styled, he etched each intricate detail in his mind,  committing it to his memory. 

One Two Tree Four
I'll never forget you now
One Two Tree Four
Years have gone since you've been 'round
One Two Tree Four
Guess inside my heart you'll stay
One Two Tree Four
Here forever

It seemed like a lifetime had passed as not even Mother Nature dared to whisper and Father Time stopped dead in his tracks. Memories that were buried deep down began to fester and rise back up into the light.

Footsteps rushed frantically down the path as you parted.

"Thank you for everything" you said crying again.

"Anything for you angel"

"take care of yourself"

The footsteps were nearly there.

"I will princess" he said turning.

"Oh and one last thing!" you chirped.


I'll never forget you now
Years have gone since you've been 'round
Guess inside my heart you'll stay
Here with me

"I love you papa!" you said as the steps finally arrived.

"Mr Dice, there you are! We were so worried about you!" the boys said entering the small rebuilt shrine.

The former casino manager stood before a stone figure that was carved in your image. In your hand, was the clean pressed handkerchief. Tears rolled hotly down his cheeks.

"I know sir, we miss her too" said mug as he placed a hand on his shoulder.

[Wow guys! did you see that coming cause I sure as hell didn't. I plot twisted myself here. it was originally supposed to focus on the bros, but this happened instead. Shit happens when you are sick, sleep deprived with insomnia, and a wee bit drunk at 11:08 pm. good night folks]

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