animal I have become

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Boris x reader

I can't escape this hell

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I can't escape this hell

So many times I've tried

But I'm still caged inside

Boris had become corrupt.

Joey had tore him apart and Bendy had convinced him that nobody that ever worked in the studio were his friends.

Especially not you.

Somebody get me through this nightmare

I can't control myself

You ran for your life through waist deep pools of ink just to escape the toons you cherished.

So what if you can see the darkest side of me?

No one will ever change this animal I have become

You knew deep in your heart that Boris didn't want this.

He was only doing what he was told.

Help me believe it's not the real me

Somebody help me tame this animal

Boris stood in front of you.

He had you cornered in a dead end hallway.

"Boris, please stop this! You don't have to do this!" you called, tired of running.

His eyes were devoid of any sign of the person he used to be.

He slashed through your side with his unusually sharp claws.

(This animal, this animal)

I can't escape myself

(I can't escape myself)

So many times I've lied

(So many times I've lied)

But there's still rage inside

He was pulled back to his senses as your scream ripped through the dead silence.

"(Y/n)? Oh god! What have I done!?" he look at his paws horrified and disgusted with himself.

Somebody get me through this nightmare

I can't control myself

"B-Boris!" you cried, reaching for him.

"N-no! STAY BACK!" he scrambled away, scared of what he's turned into.

So what if you can see the darkest side of me?

No one will ever change this animal I have become

Help me believe it's not the real me

Somebody help me tame this animal I have become

You chased after him, not caring about the danger awaiting.

Help me believe it's not the real me

Somebody help me tame this animal

Somebody help me through this nightmare

I can't control myself

You found him cowered in the shrine room.

"Boris......" you called inching closed to the scared wolf.

"STAY BACK PLEASE! I DON'T WANT TO HURT YOU!.....not again" he murmured the last bit as inky tears stained his muzzle.

Somebody wake me from this nightmare

I can't escape this hell

"It's okay Boris, I know you don't. You didn't mean to hurt me"

"You have to leave. Bendy, he'll-" he was cut off.

(This animal, this animal, this animal, this animal, this animal, this animal, this animal)

"I'll what, Boris~? Kill her?" Bendy said sadistically.

So what if you can see the darkest side of me?

No one will ever change this animal I have become

The demon circled you, his smile never faltering.

Help me believe it's not the real me

Somebody help me tame this animal I have become

"I'm not afraid of you Bendy" you said looking at the dishelmed demon.

"YOU SHOULD BE! he said lunging at you.

Help me believe it's not the real me

Somebody help me tame this animal

(This animal I have become)

In the split seconds you had left, you spoke the last lines that scarred Boris forever.

"I'm sorry that Joey did this to you, but this is not who you are. I know the real you, but if this is the end than so be it. Always remember that I loved you, more than life itself.......goodbye" 

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