until i throw it away

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It'd be nice if I could sing songs foreverIt'd be nice if I could compose music forever

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It'd be nice if I could sing songs forever
It'd be nice if I could compose music forever.
If only I could keep my dreams forever If only I could live as myself forever
You were a college student, studying music recording and production. Music meant a lot to you.

All of your family and friends looked down on your decision. Everyone but Cup.

Beautiful things alone cannot live forever
But that's something I already know.
And just like the adults all around me
I also have to understand the world.
Cup supported you ever since you got your cochlear implant. For so long you knew nothing but silence, and now you get so excited just to hear someone whisper to you.

You knew that pursuing this could end in no career, but you had your heart set and that was that.

To become an adult, that dream I've thrown away...
Could I pick it back up someday?

All the sudden you were alone in the world. No job, no home. Your parents turned you away. Cup was busy with his own life and job at the casino. He told you to call him up if you needed anything, but you didn't wanna be a bother.

You sat there outside of the casino, broke as could be. You used the last of your money to rent a room last night and clean your clothes. You wished you could go back and choose a different major.

It has lots of things I don't wish to lose,
So I can't pass it on just yet:
Sorry about this.

You wished you knew where to go. Where to restart your life and try again. You were so caught up in your own misery, you didn't hear the door open behind you. Nor did you notice the fetching male that sat next to you as you cried silently.

You didn't notice until his hand had cupped your cheek and dried the tears away. You looked over, only to lock dead on into his deep ruby eyes.

Because I can't sing songs forever Because I can't compose music forever
If I kept my dreams forever,
It'd be difficult to even survive.
Cup spoke again, now that he had your attention.

"What are you doing out here?"

"Living, the only thing I can do when there's nothing left for me" you replied blankly, hollow even.

Cup paused to think a moment, before realizing that you were quite literal.

"Why didn't you come to me sooner? You know that I'd always help you, right? That's what friends are for, right?" He questioned saying that word that bitters on your tongue.

Both giving up and persevering...
Both are wrong and right.
And just like the adults all around me...
I will never be able to decide on my own.
"Yeah....friends" you said not meeting his gaze.

Cup smiled at you, realizing what was up. He stood, pulling you up with him. After a quick clean up, he took you straight to his boss. You had an instant job playing music for the casino.

"Are you satisfied with that life?"
If you ask me, this is my answer
"I don't want it that way!"
I have a dream!
I have a dream...!
You started working immediately after receiving your uniform. Cup smiled proudly as you happily sat at the piano.

You glanced in his direction, a deep blush flooding your face as well as his as your eyes locked together.

If there is any way at all
Please don't take it away from me...
To become an adult, that dream I've thrown away...
The day had come to its end and everyone was homeward bound. You awkwardly shuffled towards the door, unsure of where to go.

Could I pick it back up someday?
It has lots of things I don't wish to lose,
And that is why, forever,
I will continue to protect it.
Cup took your hand and lead you to his car.

"You can stay at my place, okay? He said blushing.

"Okay, thanks Cuppy!" You smiled as you kissed his cheek.

He chuckled as he got in after you and drove off.

The devil and king dice stood at the entrance, watching the scene unfold.

"Ah, young love. Quite the sight, isn't it boss?" Dice asked.

"Yes, revolting if I say so myself" he scoffed half heartedly.

"You're just angry that it involves your niece" dice teased.

"They may be grown up, but they are still just children" he waved off his right hand man.

"What ever helps you sleep at night sir" he sighed thoughtfully as the so called terrifying devil slunked away back to his office.

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