dance like the devil

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Dance with me Come dance with me Dance with me Come dance with me

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Dance with me
Come dance with me
Dance with me
Come dance with me

Lights, camera, action! Today was a big day for the devil darling. Everyone bustled about getting the set ready. In the heart of the crowd, stood Joey with you as his intern.

You looked nervously around the room. A rabbit in a den of wolves. You were taught to stay in your place, lest you stray too far and be devoured by the beasts. You came to Joey years ago to get a voice acting position, but your timid nature led him to hire you as an intern instead.

Dance with
Dance with
Dance with me

You smiled at Bendy as he took the stage. Susie got into her booth, Sammy took his place in the band room. The music was swinging and the lyrics flowed like silk, until it came to Susie's solo. Her voice was like nails on a chalkboard as she tried too hard to sing in higher octaves than she actually could. 

Dance like the devil
Dance like the fucking devil

In an outrage, Joey and Sammy called a timeout. Susie rambled on about how it was the mic but neither man would listen. Bendy watched as you puffed out your cheeks, you had something to say but just couldn't get it out.

A monster
Silhouette drawn On paper
Comin' to life With hatred
Immune to pain

"Is there any female here who can sing with some sense here?!" Joey shouted after telling Susie to sit down and be quiet.

"I can sir!" you said shooting your hand up like a rocket.

"Alright good! Are we ready everyone? Now, take it from the top!" Joey shouted taking his seat.

Bendy smirked as he yanked you up on stage with him.

Drip by drip
I come to life
A devil's wish
To demonize

You smiled as the words flowed smoother than silk and prettier than lace, than it had with Susie. Bendy took your hand and twirled you around, a ballad made perfectly for two, him and you. You were both in perfect sync, word for word and beat for beat.

When the lights go out I'll sing for you And when the ink pours down
A dance for two
When the lights go out
I'll dance with you

Thirty years later, you were returning to the studio all because Joey invited you to some hoax reunion party. Every hall you remembered was drowning in ink. Monsters crawled through the vents and inside the walls, they were everywhere.

When the lights go out
I'll dance
I'll dance
I'll dance with you

After some work, you made it down to the music department. You turned the power back on and walk into the old recording room. Aside from the ink writing on the walls and the blanket of dust, this room was just as you remembered it.

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