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Boris x blind! reader

Hello, helloAnybody out there? 'Cause I don't hear a soundAlone, aloneI don't really know where the world is but I miss it now

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Hello, hello
Anybody out there? 'Cause I don't hear a sound
Alone, alone
I don't really know where the world is but I miss it now

You stumbled about the empty streets of the usually busy city. Your cane tapped against the ground and the sides of buildings. The inkness took your vision from you, leaving you blind and helpless. You missed seeing your surroundings.

You never realized how you took your sense of sight for granted until your world was thrown to nothing the the pitch black abyss filled with nothing but scents and sounds.

I'm out on the edge and I'm screaming my name

Like a fool at the top of my lungs
Sometimes when I close my eyes I pretend I'm alright
But it's never enough

You stopped, leaning heavily against a wall. You screamed, terrified. Why did you run from the hospital? You dug through your pocket for your small crappy flip phone. You used this phone so many times that you didn't need to see to dial his number.

'Cause my echo, echo

Is the only voice coming back
Shadow, shadow
Is the only friend that I have

*ring ring* "Hello? Boris speaking"

" me......please.....I'm scared" you panted out through the choked sobs.

"Where  are you?"

"By a bakery. I think so anyway. I can smell fresh pastries" you said sniffing lightly at the air.

"Stay where you are and I'll be there in a few minutes"

Listen, listen

I would take a whisper if that's all you had to give
But it isn't, is it?
You could come and save me and try to chase the crazy right out of my head

He hung up, leaving you in bitter lonely silence once again. You clung to the wall, trembling from fear. That feeling intensified upon feeling a hand on your shoulder.

I'm out on the edge and I'm screaming my name

Like a fool at the top of my lungs
Sometimes when I close my eyes I pretend I'm alright
But it's never enough

"(Y/nn)? What are you doing out here?" it was Bendy.

A sigh of relief left your lips as you knew you were safe.

"I-I'm lost" you said embarrassed.

"Lost? It's three in the morning on the street you travel most. How are you lost when you're standing outside your favorite pastry shop?" he half chuckled.

"It's not that hard especially *puts hood down* when you can't see anymore"

Bendy gasped. A thick, solid layer of ink was caked over your eyes and still slowly dripping down. {it looks like a blindfold made of ink}

'Cause my echo, echo

Is the only voice coming back
Shadow, shadow
Is the only friend that I have

Minutes later, Boris rounded the corner. He was out of breath. He was relieved when he saw that You weren't alone for too long with Bendy standing by you. Boris' expression changed to one of worry when he saw the ink pasted over your eyes.

"(Y/nn)! Are you alright?! What happened!?" He asked cupping your chilled face in his warm hands.

"I-I have the inkness. It got so bad that it took my vision" your voice seemed so small and weak, but it still managed to echo in the dead street.

I don't wanna be an island

I just wanna feel alive and
Get to see your face again

"(Y/n), why didn't you tell me?" Boris took your hand.

"I didn't want to put more stress on you. You have enough to worry about with Bendy. No offence bud"

"None taken" he commented.

"But you wouldn't. I'm more stressed that I didn't know before now. You should've told me"

"I'm sorry" your voice cracked as you started crying again.

I don't wanna be an island

I just wanna feel alive and
Get to see your face again

Boris pulled you into his chest, hugging you tightly and petting your head. Your ears pressed themselves against your head as you cried into his shoulder.

But 'til then

Just my echo, my shadow
You're my only friend and I'm

Boris carried you on his back and Bendy carried your cane. They walked you back to the camper where the others were waiting.

I'm out on the edge and I'm screaming my name

Like a fool at the top of my lungs
Sometimes when I close my eyes I pretend I'm alright
But it's never enough

Boris sat you down on the edge of what you assumed was his bed.

"I wanna try something real quick so stay still and stay calm"

You tensed at his suggestion. A warn wet rag made contact with the sticky tar-like substance over your eyes. Within a few minutes time, you could see out of your right eye again. A few more minutes pass and your left eye was open. You could finally see again. 

'Cause my echo, echo

Oh my shadow, shadow

Hello, hello
Anybody out there?

"There we go! Now I can see those pretty (f/c) eyes of yours again!"

A small giggle escaped from your throat.

"Were you always this silly?"

"Only for you"

"Thank you Boris"

"Anytime (y/n)"

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