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Cuphead x reader

Love or self, you have to choose - is it I, or is it you?

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Love or self, you have to choose - is it I, or is it you?

"Very well, the choice is yours" - and with your glimpse...

You and Cup were in a rut in your relationship.

He was obsessed with stopping Bendy from reaching the machine.

You just wanted to relax and spend time with him.

Well, "love" is what we give, and "love" is what we get,

So I would have to say, we're quite a happy set

You both say 'I love you' but is it really true.

You had left Cup because 'you needed space' and now you sat at a bar staring at the red stripped bracelet that wrapped around your wrist.

He sat in his hotel room gazing emptily at the pendant around his neck.

Both of you felt empty.

Our intuitions off, we love each other still

"Ego," or else, "we go"? Let's be sure to make this clear...

I'm doing this all for you; "I'm doing this all for me"?

Dare say that about our love, and mister, I'll have to do away with you...

Although your heads scream 'NO!', your hearts sing 'I love you so'.

You thought you were doing the right thing by leaving him.

Everyone just thought you were being petty and selfish.

Love or self? Still if you choose, I and you have naught to lose;

In the end, we're still just fine to keep on smiling all the time

You figured that Cup would find someone else and leave you.

You think that you'll be fine with that, but really the thought of it hurts.

Attached to the bracelet, was a teacup charm.

A sign that you were his girl.

Cup's pendant was rose encased in a resin 'dewdrop'.

Roses were your favorite flower.

A bitter smile crept on your faces as a single tear slipped down.

If this world's a loveless one, and we're to keep living on,

Then where it is that you must be, is anywhere but here with me

So then, I wonder - is your choice all up to this:

Are you choosing with your "egoselfishness"?

Just across the room was Cup.

He was sitting with Mugs and some other girl.

It seems like he's moved along, but she was truly just a time killer to Cup.

"love" is what so captivates us,

Yet this "love" at times leads to loathing

It's a choice to be made as a pair, but it's one of us who has to die

You hated how you felt and how Cup was the one to make you feel this way.

You tried committing suicide, but Mug stopped you. 

Both our selves are selfish still, gasping breathless for some air;

"Who do you think you are?"

"Thanks, it was delectable!"

Mug had taken you out for dinner at your favorite restaurant.

Cup watched from the window with a scowl on his face.

How dare he lose you to his little brother?!

"I'm doing this all for you, I'm doing this all for me..."

Well, "doing it for us both," I'm going to hide my face and cry my eyes out...

Cup stormed in his room and locked himself in.

He cried out in agony as he clutched the pendant.

You heard him through the thin walls of your own room as you did the same clutching your wrist to your chest.

Mug watched you ran to the rooftop, a gun in your hand.

He went pounding on Cup's door.

"Go away Mug!" was the answer he received.

"Cup, you gotta hurry up to the balcony!" Mug pleaded.

"Why should I? It's not like she cares anymore"

"If you don't talk some sense into her, she'll die"

Cup jumped to his feet and rushed out the door and up the stairs.

"Love and self," this I decide, and so here is my reply:

No one's murder shall be done; instead, us two shall be as one

The gun that was aimed at your temple was tossed to the side as your back collided with the floor.

You looked up to see Cup on top of you, his hands entwined with yours.

His face was red and puffs of steamy breath wisped about in the chilly night air.

"Cup?" you managed to say.

"I'm doing this all for you", "I'm doing this all for me";

Let us have them be good friends, and hold each other to the end...

"Love and self" - now that we know, I and you are free to go

To smile and laugh, and more than those, we'll also cry, if so we chose

Your hand reached to touch his cheek.

He pulled you to him quickly and slammed his lips onto yours.

You moved your hand to play with his hair as the kiss deepened.

If this world's a loveless one, and we're to keep living on,

There's nowhere for us two to be, not anywhere that I can see

So then, I wonder - does our choice come down to this:

Does our "egoselfishness" make it exist?

"Don't you ever try pulling a stunt like that again, you hear?" He said crying as he kissed your head and neck.

"I promise, just don't leave me!" you gripped the back of his coat tightly.

"Never again will I ever. C'mon let's go"

"Go where?"

"I don't know, the movies maybe?"

"What about Bendy?"

"Ah, forget him! The midget can wait, I have someone more important to take care of~" he cooed pecking you on the cheek.

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