High School

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(NewScapeComic, Requested by RainbowStar812)

Cory's P.O.V:

As I was making my way down the town I saw a SOLD sign on that old house's lawn.

I trotted over to investigate. No moving van, door open, a blue haired boy out on the front lawn. He looked about my age.

I walked closer and tapped on the blue haired male's shoulder.

He turns around and gives me a smile.

"Hello, I'm Uh... new to the neighborhood," his voice sounded like a familiar accent, I couldn't place my finger on. He stopped once he finished his sentence.

"Hi, I'm Cory," I say with a smile, outstretching my hand for him to shake. He pauses for a moment and looks at me more. Then he smiles and takes my hand.

"Hey Cory, it's Uni." He says in a more clear British accent. My eyes widen, it's Uni! I talk to him all the time over Skype and Teamspeak, I've never seen his face or seen him in person for that matter.

"Uni? I thought you lived in the UK?" I ask in shock.

"Well I mean, I did, but now I'm here so..." he chuckles a little. Now that I'm seeing him I'm realizing I've known a lot about him. I remembered the large weight on my back.

"OH that's right! I have to get to school! Are you going to the Danson High school?"

(Don't question my unoriginality, and no Ched will not be there, only friends.)

Uni smiles cheerfully and nods.

"I'm pretty sure I'm starting soon today, I'll have to settle in more," he responds. I nod.

"Okay, see ya later!" I call, running off to school. I stop at the front bridges, looking around for any of my friends. I eventually spot, Ashlie and Jon who were talking and Nick sneaking up behind Jon.

"H E Y G U Y S!" I shout before Nick could scare Jon so I scared Jon instead. Ashlie started laughing at Jon's small scream. Nick slouched back, obviously salty he didn't get his scare. I walk over to them and smile.

"Hey guys you remember Uni?" I ask, they've played bedwars with him, through Teamspeak and Skype.

"Yeah! British fella?" Ashlie asked. I nod, "Well he's gonna be going to school with us!" I exclaim, Jon smiles "Cool! A new friend!" Nick smiles as well.

"Won't be so bad, right?" Nick shrugged. "How long have you known him? Maybe you could start a relationship," Ashlie says, wiggling her eyebrows.

I flush red, anger and embarrassment. Not blush... I don't blush.

"Awe your bl-" I cut her off "I don't blush!" She starts cracking up after that.

"Hey we should probably get going inside," Jon suggests. Ashlie nods and starts walking forward without a warning.

We all head for our lockers, I was right next to an empty one, maybe that would be Uni's.

I passed through the hall, going to my class, walking by and talking to some, of my friends; Shelby, Bane, Madison (Mousie), Max, Nick (SGC), Uni, wait... Uni?

He was standing by a door looking down at a paper and a sketchbook in his left hand. "Hey Uni!" I call, he jumps a little.

"Oh hey Cory!" He smiles, "How did you get here so fast?" I asked. "I might have followed your way to not get lost..." Uni answered.

I chuckle. "Is that your schedule?" I ask. He nodded, "Here let me see..." I take the paper and look down at it, he had the same class as me.

"Well this is fortunate, you won't get lost since we have the same class!" I smile, he smiles back, "Come on, I'll lead the way." We had Math first (I don't want to be specific :P)

"Hello class, today we have a new student, Uni would you like to introduce yourself?" Our teacher calls.

Uni slowly makes his way to the front. "Uh hello everyone... I'm Uni... I like to draw and I'm from the UK." He finishes.

"Very interesting, you can take a seat now Uni." The teacher finished, he looks at me while he went to sit down.

I smile. He smiles back. I might like being around Uni in person.
time skip because Idk anymore•

As me and Uni passes through the halls, I looked around to see Ashlie, Jon or Nick.

While we were walking I realized, nobody was in the hallway. It was like a deserted area.

I shook my head but then lost my balance, Uni noticed and tried grabbing me but he took a fall too.

We were basically on the floor at this point. Uni hovered over me to see if I was alright. "You alright there friend?" He asked.

"Oh hey Cory~" Someone said from in front of me. I sat up and looked around, it was Bri.

(If anyone judges this, I'm sorry. I know that Bri is his girlfriend in real life but this was a request and that's how I decided to make the story juicier by adding Bri as his Ex. Thank you for understanding if you do)

I roll my eyes, "What are you doing here Bri..." I sigh. "Oh just wandering, who is this?" She asks pointing to Uni. "I'm his boyfriend," Uni lied.

He knew I was bisexual...He knew I HAD a girlfriend... Bri is my Ex...

Bri's eyes widened. "Wow Cory, I didn't know you were Ga-" I cut her off before I exploded, "I'm not GAY I'm (EUROPEAN!! I'm sorry... if anyone has heard of this song that follows me, let's be friends) Bisexual."

I noticed Uni turned a slight pink when I said that. "Bri, why are you still here? He said he was Bisexual, now is your cue to leave," Uni said.

She rolls her eyes, "Fine but if he's not gay, I'm expecting you'll come back for me one day." She finishes and struts off.

"God I hate her..." I mumble.

"That's rough man, your Ex is horrible," Uni said.

I nod, "She wasn't the best... Also... why did you say you were my boyfriend?" I ask turning pink.

He turns pink as well. "Er.. I Uh.. just wanted to get her away... I knew you had an Ex so I figured I'd say something about tha-" I cut him off by kissing him before he could say anything else.

It only lasted a couple of seconds before I pulled away, "I've always liked you Cory..." he said,

"I've liked you since our first bedwars game together, now come on, we have to meet up with Ashlie, Jon and Nick," I finished, so they wouldn't get suspicious.

The entire walk to the cafeteria he was bright pink, including to when we sat down. Ashlie noticed and said, "They totally kissed," She laughed.

That made Uni get even pinker. Then after school I asked him to be my boyfriend. He said yes.

~The End~

Look I know both endings had that but they BOTH had at least 1,000 words so I had to finish it up and get to the good stuff without adding any details whatsoever, ANYWAY HOPE YOU ENJOYED AND NO ONE PLZ YELL AT ME IN THE COMMENTS ABOUT BRI, THANKS. And don't forget to request it will definitely be done!

Love y'all!

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