Don't Starve

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(NewscapeComics, Requested by Ashleythedragoon)

3rd person P.O.V:

Cory and Uni had decided to go camping to escape their crazy friends for a few days; but they didn't know where'd they end up. They drove to a nearby forest, got out of the car, and ended up getting lost. They set up a base camp with all of their supplies. Once they had decided to sleep for the night, they had woken up in a different forest with none of their supplies.
"Cory. Cory wake up," Uni nudged Cory awake from his slumber. Cory's eyes fluttered awake.
"Huh....? What happend..?" Cory asked, slowly getting up. Uni had a look of worry on his face.
"We're not in the same place we were in before, and all of our stuff is gone!" Uni explained. Cory's eyes widened as he looked around.
"It really isn't...Where are we?" Cory asked. Uni shrugged. 
"I don't know, if I did we probably would be safe," Uni explained, he looked at the environment once again. It was really cold, and they were both not dressed good for that weather, T-shirts, jeans clothes like that.
"It feels like it's...winter?" Uni points out. Cory shivered.
"It is really cold," he says. Uni stood up, Cory stands up as well.
"Come on, we should find resources," Uni suggests. Cory nods. 
"Should we split up?" Cory asks.
"It guess so, don't go too far,"  Uni explains. The two then set off in opposite directions.
Cory ended up breaking some wood off of a tree and making a small sharp dagger. There were lots of dry pieces of grass that he could use for fire so he picked those up along with more sticks from the tree, and some from the floor. Uni had gotten flint and rocks. He was in the middle of picking up some berries and other food sources while he heard rustling. He turned around in fear, and saw 2 giant spiders appear out of some tall grass.
"CORY! HELP!" He called. Cory pirked up immediately and ran in his direction.
Oh, I forgot to mention Cory is in LOVE with Uni. Uni is also in live with Cory, Uni hides it very well. Cory could probably play it more cool.
"Uni!" Cory exclaims as he runs towards the 2 spiders. He pushes Uni out of the way, in a safer spot and he continuously stabs the spiders with his sharp dagger that he made. Thankfully he killed them both at once, the bodies dissolved into thin air and dropped into dust. Cory's eyes widened at that as he turned to Uni.
"Did you see that?" He asked. Uni nodded and walked closer to where the spiders' dead corpse's should've been. 
"Where's the body?" Uni asked. Cory shrugged at that.
"They just... dissapeard I guess," Cory says. Uni looks at the floor where the spiders had died. You could see in the grass.
"Weird... what did you gather?" Uni asked Cory, wanting the subject changed. Uni brought out the items he found and Cory showed him his sticks, dry grass and dagger.
"Is that what you killed the spider with?" Uni asked. Cory smirked proudly and nodded. He took the flint and rocks out of Uni's hands.
"This'll get us fire," he said aloud. They walked back to where would be their camp, which only had their sleeping bags. They set up a fire place and Cory got the fire going with some flint.
"I got us a little bit of food, hopefully we won't be out here too long," Uni said, bringing out the food that he gathered. He had found berry's from bushes, carrots from random patches in the ground and more strawberries.
"Not a feast, but I think I know how we can get out of here," Cory said. Uni looked eager to hear his answer.
"While I was gathering supplies, I saw a house, maybe we could visit the owner?" Cory suggests. Uni takes a deep breath as he thought about it. "I guess we can," Uni decided as they took some of the berries for snacks along the way. The two chatted and made some plans on how to get out of their mess.
"Maybe the owner of this house will help us get out of here," Uni thought aloud.
"Just maybe," Cory said looking at Uni who was paying attention to the area. Cory looked up and saw the house. The two stopped and looked at each other.
"Do you wanna knock?" Uni suggests. Cory shrugged and walked towards the house. He slowly knocked on the door and turned to Uni. Uni walked closer to the door as the owner suddenly opened the door. A...pigman?
"Oh hello, visitors. Come on in," The pigman said, without asking why they were there. Cory shrugged as he walked inside. Uni stood still for a minute until he decided to follow Cory. Inside there was 3 plates of food, as if he was waiting for them. The pigman sat down on one of his chairs and motioned for the two to sit down. Uni and Cory looked at each other and sat down without a word.
"So, how did you two get here?" The pigman asked.
"Um, we don't honestly know, we wanted to go camping but once we fell asleep, we woke up here," Uni explained. Cory just stared at the food that was in front of all of them. On the plate was a piece of steak, some bread, and some carrots.
"Well, I think I know how you can get out of here," the pigman says.
 "But for now you have to eat," he continues. Cory didn't waste a minute and started gobbling up the steak. Uni shrugged and started eating as well. Once their dinner was all gobbled up the pigman started to speak.
"So, to get out of here, you two simply have to sleep," the pigman started. Cory smiled.
"That should be easy enough," he said, with pride. The pigman chuckled then sighed.
"After, you slay a bunch of giant spiders," he says. Uni and Cory's eyes widen.
"WHAT?!" the two shout in unison. Then pigman nods.
"After you kill 10 giant spiders, and then go to sleep, once you wake up you should be back to normal, in your town," the pigman explained. "Simply do off into the darker part of the forest, and kill 10 gigantic spiders, go back to your campsite, and sleep," he continued. Cory and Uni smiled at the pigman.
"Thank you," Uni says to the pigman, who nods at Uni.
"Yes, thank you for that advise, and the food..." Cory says, rubbing his stomach.
"You're welcome, now, you two get on outta here and good luck going home," the pigman says with a wave of his hand. After that simple hand wave, before they could say a word, they were teleported back to their camp set up. Uni flinched once he saw where they were teleported. Cory simply got out more sticks and sharpened them for Uni to make another dagger. Uni walked over to him and looked at the newly made dagger in his hands.
"Here, you'll need it for killing those spiders," Cory says, handing the dagger to Uni.
"Thanks bud," Uni says, griping the dagger tightly. Uni looks at Cory who was... blushing? (Probably the first time I've used that word this entire story)
"Let's do this," Uni says, then the two start walking to the darkest parts of the woods.
"Cory!" Uni shouted, as he was sent to the floor by a giant spider. Cory turned around after a spider turned to dust that he had just killed. In total the two of them had killed 5 spiders. Cory dashed over and stabbed the spider that was on top of Uni and killed it. Once it evaporated the dust fell onto Uni. He stood up as all the dust fell off him.
"Gross," he muttered while brushing himself off. Cory took his hand without a warning. Uni looked up at him. "Let's do this, together" Cory said. Uni nodded as they ran forward to kill more spiders. Slash, 3 more. Slash, 2 more. Slash, 1 more. The two stabbed the last spider together. Uni looked at Cory who was looking at all the dust in the area. "Great job Cory," Uni said, both had blush starting to form on their face. Cory chuckled. "Thanks, you did a nice job too, now let's go to sleep and get outta here!" Cory exclaimed. Uni chuckled and walked with Cory, bumping into each other as they walked. Cory looked down, Uni's hand was really close to his. He decided to go for it and grab his hand. Once he did Uni flinched and looked at Cory and smiled. So they held hands as they walked back to the "camp site." As they saw the camp site entering their vision Cory ran towards in and collapsed into his sleeping bag. "LET'S GET OUT OF HERE!" he said as he laid down and closed his eyes. Uni chuckled as he made his way towards their set up, he got inside the sleeping bag and started to drift off to sleep, along with Cory. 

"Uni, Uni wake up," Uni heard Cory's voice as he slowly woke up from his slumber. He saw the bright sun, and the familiar woods of their town. They were back home! Uni sat up and was about to speak until Cory captured his lips in a kiss. Uni's eyes widened but he slowly kissed back. "I love you Uni, thanks for joining me on this 'camping drip'," Cory says as he breaks apart from the kiss. Uni smiles and takes Cory's hands.
"I love you too, Cory, now let's go back home," Uni says, as they gather all their camping supplies and go back to the car, to drive home happily. 

That was the end, sorry to Ashley if I messed up severely. I was trying to save my confusion. Hopefully you are satisfied, Ashley. Please give me more requests, I am out of requests at the moment so I am really looking forward to some people's ideas they want to see (Sorry i turned down a request from RainbowStar812) Anyway bye now (seriously pls request) 


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