Walk in the Park

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(requested by: NewScapeCrew9596, since this is a walk in the park there may be an easter egg owo)

Cory's P.O.V:

I was awakened to sounds of rustling sheets next to me. Bri was up and out of bed. I was still half asleep so I kept my eyes squinted opened. I could slightly see Bri getting new clothes out of the closet. She walked out of the room, and into the bathroom, looking at me while she was walking out. Once she came out she was in proper day clothes to go out. Even though I wasn't planning to going out, I'm guessing wherever she's going she's gonna end up being able to take me with her. I turn over to look at the time. It was 9:26 on a Saturday morning, when we had nothing to do. It is in the winter time so it was very cold. Bri tip toed towards me.

"Cory.... Hey, Cor," She whispered to me in a soft, hushed morning voice. I shivered a little and turned towards her.

"Yeah?" I responded, in my hushed, raspy morning voice.

"I'm gonna go out to get groceries," She responded. I looked at her, confused but shrugged it off.

"Okay then, I'll be here," I said slowly, and turned back around, proceeding to get comfortable. Bri laughed as she stepped forward and kissed me on my head as she then left.
~After Cory's 10 minute nap~

I twisted around, opening my eyes to most likely ruined sheets, and sat up. I looked on the counter that was next to the bed and grabbed my phone off the charger. Ashlie had texted me.


She had sent that just a minute ago. I then heard the door open. It was Bri.

"Honey, I'm home~" her voice, playful. It sounded like she had one bag in her hand. I quickly get up and out of bed. Might as well get dressed.... I think and get out a T-shirt and jeans to get changed into. I then go downstairs and was greeted by Bri. She was putting the one bag down and gathering the things out of it. Some of it food, and some of it, cleaning supplies.

"Hey Cor, I passed the park and Ashlie, Jon, Nick and Tommy were there," She told me as she straightend her shoulders. I nodded as I slipped on some shoes by the door.

"Ashlie just texted me, inviting us, wanna walk?" I suggested. She smiled and nodded happily.

"Let's go!"She exclaimed, taking me by the arm and pulling me outside. Before she closed the door she grabbed the house key and her phone. We walked to the park, arm in arm. Our neighborhood was more of a circle. There was a few houses surrounding a cul-de-sac. If you went farther, there was more houses, only on the left side, and on the right, there was a small park. Bri had unattached her arm from mine, and instead grabbed my hand and started to swing her hand and mine. I laughed as we continued to swing our arms together as we walked.
~Arrived at the park~

Tommy was first to turn and see me and Bri.

"COME OVER HERE CREAM WHISTLES!" He shouted, not caring how early it is and that people may have been sill asleep. Bri laughed and pulled me towards the group. I obliged her directing and we greeted the group.

"Hey guys!" Bri greeted happily. I gave them all a smile and a wave.

"So, how's it been?" Ashlie asked, Jon putting his arm around her.

"It's been good," Bri answers. I rub my eyes, I was still pretty tired.

"Cor, why are you so tired this morning?" Tommy asked, nudging me a bit. I shrugged with a yawn as my answer.

"Well, we can all walk around to get Cory to wake up," Nick suggested with a laugh. Everyone else did as well.

"Well, I mean, I walked here with Bri.... I'm still tired," I answered, cutting off their laughter.

"Well, we can still walk and talk, right?" Jon asked. Ashlie nodded.

"Let's go look at the flowers, where the butterflies are!" Bri suggested happily. She loves the nature. We go to the park alot just so she could look at the butterflies. There was a small area around the corner, where it was full of flowers that attracted so many beautiful butterflies. Parents would normally bring their kids, but we young-adults, don't have kids, so we go by ourselves to look at the butterflies and flowers. We all begin to walk, each of the couples hand in hand. On the way to be the butterfly area, we passed a small playground, some small children were on. We passed by 2 running and screaming children.

"RUN YOU LITTLE CREAM WEASELS, RUN!" Tommy shouted back at the children. The children however, looked to young to understand what Tommy had just said to them. We all laughed at Tommy's humor and continues to walk closer to our destination. A butterfly was flapping it's wings near a rose bush that Ashlie giddily ran up to, pulling Jon with her. Jon laughed as Ashlie proceeded to take out her phone and take pictures of the butterfly on the buttercup. Nick and Tommy went off into another direction, where there were daisy and lavenders, leaving me and Bri near our stopping point. She looked at me and smiled.

"What are your favorite flowers?" She asked me, pulling me towards some butterflies that were flapping around. I chuckle.

"Probably pansies," I answered with a shrug. I didn't know much about flower types. I watched Bri as she stared at a butterfly on a rose. The butterfly was yellow and black, which matched the yellow rose slightly. To the left of us there was a small girl that was doing the same thing as Bri at the moment, staring at another butterfly on a rose. The small girl's colored hair, almost matched the color of the red rose. I stay looking at Bri but examine the small girl's behavior from the corner of my eye. Bri had sat down criss cross, on the grass, while the girl was crouched down, half of Bri's height.

"Sasha!" another child's voice shouted, the small girl looked in the direction of the voice. I assumed the other child has called her name, "Sasha."

"Come over here!" another child's voice shouted at her. The girl, Sasha, smiled and ran off, leaving a notebook on the floor next to her. I bent down and opened it, the first page read, "Property of: Sasha Marantz," must be her. I close it, and pick it up.

"Hey," I call out to her. She turns around from talking to a child... which looked like a purple goat with pink hair, and looks at me

'You forgot your notebook," I tell he, extending my arm, handing her the notebook. Her face lightens up.

"Oh, thank you!" she says to me, smiling sweetly, as she takes the notebook out of my hands. I give her a nod and walk back to Bri, who was no longer seated. She runs up to me and snakes her arms around my waist.

"Wanna go home and be lazy?" she asks, looking up at me. I laugh at her, putting a hand on her head.

"Yeah," I respond as I wave to the others that were all talking. Some of them nodded and waved back, goodbye as we walked back home.

"That was a nice walk in the park, don't you think?" she asked me, intertwining our hands as we walked. I smiled.

"Yeah," I respond, giving her a kiss on her forehead.

~The End!~

Well that was fun, I had no idea what to do with this at first. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed and you can leave a request in the comments if you want, but after my little break of publishing, I got a few and I think I'm ready, but make sure you have some in mind so that when I ask for requests I'll have some. THIS BOOK IS AT 30 PARTS! WOO! It's because ya'll gave me requests so thank you for that. ANYWAY, HOPE YOU GUYS HAD A GOOD DAY, BYE NOW!

~Sasha <3

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