Tales of Cannon and The Counterparts

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(Requested by a new (not really) and active reader, LamsAndMulleteYass tbh I had no idea what to do for this so it may be really short because I have to keep it going with requests)

(Imagine this being a few days after the Crossroads Collide chapter,, it's set at Cory's house)

"Um... Well this is new," Cory spoke. The group was face to face. . . with two different versions of all of them. One group were ghosts, and then another group that was basically them, but they were all mad and looked like they hated everything, wearing either black or red clothing. Except one of them.

"I think I know what this is all about...?" Uni spoke. In fact, he is the reason that the two groups are standing in front of them.

"Why do these crazy things always happen to us?" Cory mumbled.

"Because," Jon said, sitting back down onto the couch they all were once gathered on.

"I would rather have our life be filled with madness other than completely boring," Ashlie said, looking at Cory.

"That is true," Nick spoke, sitting down with Jon. Ashlie got up from her seat and walked closer to the groups, wanting to greet the two groups of doppelgangers and befriend them, hoping they would be different from the roleplay.

"Ashlie, Don't!" The group called. Both groups of the ghosts and the group in red and black, struck a fighting positing at Ashlie. Ashlie paused in her place. All she wanted was to be friendly with the groups. Everyone knew the basic idea of who the groups were. But they didn't know how to get rid of them. Cory was... Confused. He didn't know why everyone wasn't confused as well as himself. But, everyone had one thing in common; they didn't know the one person who was unfamiliar with the red group.

"Cory, these people are from my roleplay. Well... All of them except one...?" Uni spoke. There was another camera face but no ghost camera face sadly, because that was not in the fannon counterpart. Cory paused and still looked confused. Everyone was ready for the amount of questions he would have.

"Wait... You have a roleplay?" Except that question. Everyone began to laugh because he was the one who died in the roleplay. Thank gosh Tommy wasn't there; he disappeared from the roleplay after a few episodes so he would be a bit angry right now. (Cough curiosity killed the Cory cough-)

"Yeah! We're all in it," Jon said cheerfully, someone didn't shut him up in time for Cory to grow upset.

"Nick and Ashlie are vampire's now. Even though last season-" Nick jumped as Cory cut him off.

"Season?! Why can't I be in the new season?" Cory shouted. He was growing salty and sad at the same time.

"Cory, you died in the roleplay a long time ago. Well, it was back when it was hardly even a roleplay, too," Uni explained. As everyone was paying attention to each other in the group; the other two groups that stood in front of them were all equally as confused as Cory.

"Can we speak to them... Like, at all?" A seemingly hiper voice whispered that came from the red and black group. The crew was too busy talking about and answering Cory's questions to notice.

"Yeah... I hope so," another voice whispered back.

"Hey!!!" A loud voice, similar to Nick's bellowed. The group stopped talking as a whole. The ghosts had disappeared from their original spots and were now floating around the living room.

"Uh oh...." Most of the group muttered in unison. They all turned around to face their counterpart, while getting chills down their spine as they felt all the ghosts flying around.

"Well this is... Interesting," Cory spoke quietly.

"What do we do...?" Nick muttered. Uni stepped forward.

"Do you guys know if you... Belong here...?" Uni questioned the doppelgangers.

"We do. The ghosts don't," Duni said, looking up, the ghosts were flying everywhere.

"There's also a... Newcomer," Dashlie piped in. She pushed out a small male with a camera face who was even smaller than Don. Dory, was the first idea that popped into everyone, except Cory's, mind.

"Who are these people?!" Cory shouted.

"Okay, come on, do they not look familiar?" Nick asked, raising an eyebrow at Cory.

"They all look like us, don't they?" Jon urged. Cory scratched his chin then snapped his fingers.

"Yes..." He replied slowly, after making everyone anxious.

"Why exactly are you guys here?" Cory then spoke, stepping towards the only group.

"The D-gang!" Dawn finally spoke. He had been turned off for the majority of the time and Uni had to help turn him back on.

"That's what you guys can call us," the pug; Duni said.

"Why don't we not question it and have fun!" The camera face; Dory spoke.

(Now for a bunch of random shorts ;0)

"Where's the kitchen?" Don asked, walking up to Cory. Cory pointed in the direction of the kitchen. Don nodded and began to walk. Dres took notice of this.

"If you need help reaching something from a cupboard, call me over!" Dres called after him.

"Haha, is it because he's short?" Cory asked.

"I CAN HEAR YOU!" Don bellowed. He was searching the kitchen for a stool.

"Not usually. He usually only asks for help because he loves it when I carry h-" Dres got cut off by Don running in as fast as he can, and tackling Dres to the floor as Cory innocently watched.


Fon and Fick (ghost Jon and Nick ;0) were simply floating around the house, as they were super bored. Fick had an idea. . .

"Hey Fon..." Fick said quietly. Fon looked up and hummed in response.

"Did it hurt when..." Fon paused him.

"Lemmie guess, when I fell from heaven?" Fon asked... You know... Cuz they're ghosts.

"No," Fick replied, a small smile tugging at his lips.

"What is it then?" Fon asked. Fick's smile grew wider.

"Did it hurt when you fell for me?" Fick asked. Fon's skin dusted blue, which is the way, they ghosts blushed.

(Last one cuz I wanna get this done ;0)

Duni decided to go hang out with other people... Who is not Uni. He walked up to a ghost who seemed a bit lonely and sad. It was Funi. Basically Uni, but in ghost form. He said there was a difference so he wasn't cheating.

"I'm dead inside," Funi muttered. Duni frowned, but then thought for a moment.

"Uh... That is true though. Because you know... You're dead," Duni replied. Funi simply looked down at him in confusion.

"You're a ghost!!" Duni finished. Funi sighed and then disappeared into thin air.

'Well... That failed.... Time to go make out with Uni!' Duni thought before walking away.


It got longer than I thought. Be happy that this is actually 1,000 words+, I honestly had no idea what I was gonna do for this.

Okbyenow!! Good night from Cali as well 🌌😴

~Sasha 💜

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