Ship Compilation!- MY Ships

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(NewScapeCrew9596 requested any ship, so I picked out my favorite 4, thanks for the request!)

FIRST SHIP!: Frozres, Time: High School, AU: Soulmate-My Nicky Boy

Tommy's P.O.V:

*RING!* Ahh yes, the bell, "school's over" bell to be exact, I'd normally walk home with Nick, other day's. He'd accompany me when he see me passing by. I can't help but silently adore him. I heard Jon or Ashlie used to like him but they can see his hair color change, and I can't.

"Hey Tom," I hear the unforgettable voice of Nickolas Schatzki, I turn around to see his beautiful face, a big smile growing on my face.

"Well, hey Nicky Boy," I say to him with an eyebrow raised. He blushes, I've noticed he's always blushed when he called him "Nicky boy." His hair has never changed color and he looks pretty nervous right now, no light blue.

"Um, I have a question to ask.." He says slowly, still looking nervous. No light blue, just black hair.

"Ask away, Nicky boy,"I wink, making him stutter and look more nervous, still no light blue hair.

"Um... Have you seen my hair change color?" He asks slowly. I raise an eyebrow.

"No, have you seen MY hair change color?" I ask him. He blushes, not nervously. I look at his hair, slowly turning pink ans smile. He looks up at my hair. Without a warning he flung his arms onto me. I chuckle and hug him back.

"I love you, Nicky boy," I say quietly.

"I love you too, Tom,"

(Tbh, I'm not proud of that... but meh)

Second Ship: Zron, Time: After College (young adults) AU: Reuniting- Coffee Shop

Jon's P.O.V:

"Jon! Hurry up!" Ashlie exclaims. I roll my eyes slightly, and meet her from outside, coffee in our hands. I sit down with her.

We were getting coffee for what felt like the first time in...a couple months. The thing was, this coffee shop she said that a guy from high school, comes here a lot, that I had a crush on.

"We're you positive about Nick being here alot?" I ask. Nick was the one who we were friends with in high school, we ended up hanging out, alot. She opened her mouth to answer but the door to the shop opened. Her eyes widened at she motioned for me to turn around. I turned around and ended up seeing Nick.

It was was really him! But what do I do? I turn back to Ashlie, wide eyed. She was smiling widely.

"Go talk to him!" She exclaimed. I blushed.

"What do I do?" I asked. She shrugged.

"Just talk to him!" She urged. I sighed and left my coffee on the table and slowly walked over to his table.

"Uh... hi, Nick, I'm not sure if you remember me but I was a close friend of yours in high school," I say nervously as he turned around. He smiled at me which made blush creep onto my face.

"I remember you! Jon, right?" He asks. The blush crept to my cheeks. I nod and me mentioned me to sit down.

"Do want to keep in touch?" He asks me as he gets out his phone.

"Oh yeah! I'd love to!" I say, also getting out my phone. He places his phone onto the table and slides it towards me. I do the same with my phone, pick up his phone, and enter my phone in the number. I put a smiley face next to my name to look different from the others. As we handed back our phones I looked at Ashlie who was pointing at herself. I mutter an 'Oh,' as I turn back to Nick.

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