I Missed You...

900 21 55

(Frozres Requested by the amazing RainbowStar812 *so sweet :3)

Nick's P.O.V:

It's been a while since we've seen Tommy. I'm getting really worried. Uni, Ashlie, Jon and Dawn aren't worried at all. It's scaring me, what if he's dead?! In this universe, when you die, you're dead. It's becoming upsetting that no one else cares but me.

"Oi, Nick!" Uni calls, I flinch and snap back to reality.

"Uh, yeah?" I respond and look up at him. We were teleported to the library again and he was atop on the second floor.

"We're gonna teleport again, so Uh, do you know where Ashlie and Jon are?" He asks. I shake my head and wait for him to get down with me.

"UNI! I FOUND HARRY POTTER!" Ashlie's voice echoed through the library as she can running up from one of the hallways. I chuckled lightly at her. Jon followed shortly after Ashlie, the two came as a pair, which I found cute.

(JOSHLIE FOR DAYS, FITE ME...don't really though, continue with the story now please)

Dawn and Uni sighed, and Uni smacked his head at Ashlie's comment. Ashlie just crouch danced around with Jon because of her happiness.

"Alright, Bane! C'mon!" Uni shouts, Bane comes "suspending" her way to the bottom floor.

"Okay okay, be careful with Bob," she says, making her way to us with her book. Then we teleport. I couldn't see at first but I knew I saw Hard Landing. We were back! But it looked horrible here.

"Who did this again?" I asked, but I don't think Uni heard me. I saw the dead grass. Uni looked really dizzy still.

"Hey!" I exclaim, which makes him jump.

"Oh my goodness!" He says, and looks at me.

"Did we all get separated again?" I ask him once I knew he was paying attention. He looked around.

"I guess so," he answers. He sighed to himself, probably thinking how bad Hard Landing looks right now.

"The evil D-gang is taking residence in what seemed to be our old house, but they remodeled it apparently," he explained.

"Should we go into the house...?" I ask him, hesitantly. Uni shrugged.

"If they're in there we'll have to be really careful, if the rest of our friends are in there, we'll get them and get out of here," Uni explains, I nod and take it as cue to walk forward. As soon as I took a step I heard the horrible crush of dirt beneath my feet. It should be the sound of grass shuffling, but they got rid of the grass for a random reason. Uni cringed as he stepped forward as well. I shrugged past instead and continued walking slowly. Once we got to the steps Uni started going faster. Once we reached the entrance of the house, I noticed the dead grass.

"So, you think our friends are in there?" I ask, before he had time to answer I hear a familiar someone's screaming. Not Jon's, not Ashlie's, nor Bane's or Dawn's. It was Tommy's.

"Yes, but, who's screaming was that?" Uni asked.

"It's Tommy's," a different voice than mine said. I turned around and saw Dawn. Uni looked bright once he saw him.

"Hey Dawn. And are you sure that's Tommy?" Uni asked. Dawn nodded, I was sure too.

"Well, at least we know he's not dead," I say, as I let out a sigh of relief. Suddenly we heard the front door of the house open. Ashlie and Jon came out running, and laughing.

"Hey get back here!" My deeper voice said. I raised an eyebrow at Ashlie and Jon, making a look that said "Explain yourselves,"

"Dick is trying to kill us," Ashlie laughs. Uni sighs and gets out a diamond sword, Dawn does the same and I get out my axe. Jon laughs and gets out a fishing rod, lime that would do damage. Dick happend to open to door and come running out with DonDon.

"We meet again, Nick," Don's deep voice said as we all had our weapons out now. I had two axe's in my hand for extra measure. Don looks behind all of us and at Uni.

"Ahh, Duni's going to be happy to see you, we will capture you and then kill you're friends, how does that sound?" Don suggested, not even bothering to take us by the hand, he just walked inside.

"Come on," Dres said, following Don. Uni sighed, not upset but nervous.

"You nervous about seeing your boyfriend for the first time?" I ask, playfully. Uni glares at me.

"Not the time, Nick," he says. I laugh at him. Ashlie just crouched, staying behind as we all walked inside. It looked kind of like our house before, just more ugly. There was a throne in the middle of the room that Duni was sitting on,staring at all of us.

I looked to the left of the throne there was a cage, and a familiar someone with yellow skin, playing a harmonica. Tommy.... my brain kept telling me to run for him and get him out of there, I had a pickaxe, but then, I wouldn't be able to get him with Duni staring at all of us.

"Hello Uni, my dear," Duni's raspy voice said. Uni shivered. I was paying more attention to the Tommy in the cage then what was happening. Before he was playing his harmonica quietly but now he was blasting it on the gutair and his harmonica at the same time.

"Shut up!" Dashlie shouted at him from beside the cage. Tommy looked up, even though he was in a cage, his big smile that I loved was still on his face. Everyone from behind me muttered 'Tommy'except Uni, who was too focused on Duni. Duni smiled, not evilly but what seemed as nicely. He got of his throne and made his way to Uni, who had put away his sword.

"Uni, be careful," Dawn said under his breath. I could hear Ashlie squealing, ready for what was about to happen next. Duni, seemed like he did not have a weapon on him. Instead of pulling out a weapon, Duni walked forward and put a hand on Uni's cheek, their faces had blush spread across them. Uni smiled and put his hand on Duni's. It looked as if they were about to kiss but before they could Dashlie scoffed and left the guarding stand of the cage. Tommy gasped from the cage as the entire D-gang was gone and not guarding the cage, minus Duni who was still with Uni. Which meant he had a chance to escape, but the cage had a simple pressure plate, I could step on. I looked at Duni, who was already kissing Uni at this point. I looked at Tommy who was looking at me, helplessly from the cage. I smiled at him, ran over to the cage, and stepped on the pressure plate allowing him to get out. His smile stayed wide on his face as he made his way out of the cage. I turned to face him and then he flung his arms onto me. I hugged him back.

"Thank you Nick, I missed you so much," He said, happiness filled his voice. I was about to cry happy tears.

"I missed you too, and it's no problem," I said as I hugged him tighter. He broke the embrace but he still had his arms around me, I had my arms around his waist.

"I love you, Nick," He said without a hesitation, which shocked me. From behind us I saw Ashlie's arm around Jon, and Jon's arm around her.

"I love you too, Tommy," I said. I see from the corner of my eye, Uni and Duni had stopped kissing, but instead Uni was holding him back from capturing Tommy again. Tommy made me look into his eyes, I smiled. He smiled back and pulled up his mask entirely so I saw his entire face.

(What's going to happen next, imagine Tommy's big smile is a mask like a lot of people draw him as, so they can actually kiss...)

He was so cute, I couldn't resist so I leaned in and kissed him. I could feel his lips curl, but he kissed me back. 'Aww's' came from the lot behind us as we kissed.

I didn't know how to end this so.. this is the end, thanks to RainbowStar812 for the request, it takes me a while to think of THQ themes but I end up having a lot of fun writing them, so make sure people leave requests! Bye now!


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