My Soulmate- (Soulmate AU)

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(the lovely KitsuneDraws requested this!) 

(High school, because it makes everything better)

3rd person P.O.V:

Tommy was a very...unhopeful person. In this universe, you had an aura around you at all times. Golden, for if you had lots of hope in finding your Soulmate. White, if you could care less, but wanted a Soulmate, so if you had neutral feelings, you'd have white around you. Finally, black, for if you had no hope at all in finding a Soulmate.
(Mixed in if you had mixed feelings about soulmates)

Tommy, had a black aura.
He didn't like the fact that the world just randomly paired you with some person you may or may not know. Whoever your Soulmate was, they aren't able to see your Aura. Once you have found your Soulmate your aura dissapears. Nick, has never seen an aura around Tommy. Which made his obsession grow for the male. Nick has a golden aura, now that he's seen no aura around Tommy. Always staring at him when they had the same classes. One day, Nick decided to stop silently admiring him, and actually talk to him.
At lunch one day, Nick saw Tommy and his no aura around him, sitting alone. Nick thought he at least had some friends. Nick looked back at his friends at their table. Which consisted of Cory, who had a white and black aura. Ashlie who had a white and golden aura, Jon who had a golden aura, and Uni who had a black and white as well as Cory.
"Hey guys, uh, what color is that guy...Tommy's, aura over there?" Nick asked. Ashlie raised an eyebrow before looking at him.
"Why you asking?" She asked him back. Nick faintly blushed.
"Um... I can't see his aura," he says. Ashlie gasps and pokes Jon. As Jon looked back at her they both flinched. Something that happens when your Soulmate looks at you, you can hear a bell. Guessing they both heard a bell as Jon looked into Ashlie's eyes. Jon was new and joined their group yesterday! So it was the first time Jon looked into Ashlie's eyes.
Ashlie smiled at Jon, as he blushed.
"Well, I guess I know who my Soulmate is now," Ashlie smiled and grabbed Jon's chin with he forefinger and thumb. The two's aura's slowly dissapeared.
"Okay, before you guys make out, what color is his aura?" Nick asked again. This time, no one actually listened. Cory then looked at Uni and poked him in the back. Cory has never been able to see Uni's aura either. Uni looked into Cory's eyes and *Bing* you guessed it, they both heard the bell. Then their aura's dissapeard. Nick sighed.
"HELLO?!" Nick shouted loud enough for all his friends, to hear.
They all flinch and look back at him like nothing happend.
"Can one of you tell me what Tommy's aura is, over there?" Nick asked, quiet enough so that Tommy couldn't overhear.
"It's black, how do you know his name?" Jon asked, as he looked over at Tommy. Nick blushed faintly. 
"Well, I've talked to him before," Nick lied. Ashlie raised an eyebrow, and shrugged. 

"Why don't you talk to him now?  Since he's definetly your soulmate," Ashlie suggests. 

"Tommy's his name? Huh, sounds like I could call him T-Dog," Cory chuckled at himself. Jon and Uni laughed as Ashlie sighed at turned back to Nick. 

"Talk to him!" Ashlie urged. Nick sighed and looked back at Tommy, sitting alone at his table. Nick didn't realize it before but he had a guitar in his hands, which he was slightly strumming on. Nick smiled as he stood up from their table. He looked at Ashlie and Jon who were both smiling widely once they saw him stand up. He chuckled at the two and walked towards Tommy's empty table. 

"Hey, can I sit here?" Nick asked as he interuppted Tommy's guitar strumming. As Tommy looked into Nick's eyes they both suddenly hear a *bing*  Tommy gasped as he heard the bell, and saw who's eyes he was staring into. Nick blushed and smiled at his soulmate. Tommy smiled back.

"Yes, sit," Tommy suddenly said as he remembered what Nick had said. Nick sat down without a hesitation. 

"So, uh I heard your name is Tommy?" Nick asks with a smile. Tommy nods at that and puts his guitar down beside him. 

"You're Nick, right?" Tommy asked, then it was Nick's turn to nod. Both their aura's were starting to slowly fade in color.Ashlie sighed from the table and made her way over to the table. She was going to make things happen quicker. 

"Hi Nick, is this your soulmate?" She asked bluntly as she arrived at the table. Nick flinched as Tommy blushed. Nick looked at Tommy with a look as if to say, 'Are you okay with it?' Tommy nodded at his look. 

"Yes...this is my soulmate,Tommy, we just met," Nick said. Ashlie raised an eyebrow for like the 3rd time that day.

"I thought you said you've talked before," Ashlie whispered to Nick. Nick's eyes widened. 

"Don't worry about it," Nick whispered back quickly. The two looked back at Tommy who had confused written all over his face. Nick smiled at him like nothing happened. Ashlie cleared her throat and continued. 

"So, you wanna hand out with us?" Ashlie asked Tommy. Tommy smiled and nodded. 

"Sounds radical," He laughed. Tommy hasn't been able to show off his silly side since he hardly talks to anyone. 

"Great! Come over here, Nick can introduce you to all of our friends," Ashlie said as she made her way back to the table with the 3 boys left. Tommy and Nick looked at each other, shrugged, and followed Ashlie without a question. 

"So this is Jon, Uni, and Cory," Ashlie said, pointing to each of them idividually, making sure he was watching. Tommy waved awkwardly. Jon smiled his precious smile and waved slightly. Uni and Cory waved at the same time.

"Oh yeah, Jon,Cory,Uni, meet Tommy," Ashlie said, Cory laughed once he heard his name.

"Can I call you T-Dog?" Cory asked. Tommy laughed. 

"Go ahead man," Tommy agreed. They all sat down and started to hat, got to know Tommy, especially Nick wanted to know everything about his new soulmate. 

*Ring* The schools over bell rang. They all collected their bags and exited to the front of the school. Nick ended up catching up with Tommy. 

"Hey," Nick greeted as he jogged up to him. Tommy turned to face Nick and smiled. 

"Hello," Tommy greeted. Nick rubbed the back of his neck, awkwardly. 

"So uh, since you're my soulmate...Would you consider, starting a relationship" Nick asked slowly. Tommy smiled sweetly and leaned in to kiss Nick before answering. 

"Yes," Tommy said after he broke the kiss. Nick was left speechless as Tommy made his way to walk home. 

Sorry there wasn't much fluff or kissing scenes in this... I haven't started on THQ, BWS (THQ but With Ships) chapter 2 so.... I needed to get this finished, and now it's posted! Hopefully,KitsuneScares is satisfied.. Bye!


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