Zro-Wait a Second...Dron?

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Narrators P.O.V:

It was a regular day for Jon-


*sigh* fine... this story is about you and Dres anyway...

Wait, are you going to ship me with that loser, Dick?

SHHH don't say that word around the Narrator, she's a child and it's considered a bad word to her.

Aren't you the Narrator?


Well, you're doing a horrible job, let be Narrate my OWN story.

*raises an eyebrow* I thought you DIDN'T want to be shipped with the "loser"

*blushes* WAIT I AM NOT BLUSHING!! Ugh... fine, YOU can tell the story, it's going to be akward for you to write it in my P.O.V anyway... go ahead...

Yay! (A/N: Did you like that little skit? No? Don: GET IT OVER WITH MORON! Me: YOU DON'T BELONG IN MY A/N... ;-;)

3rd person P.O.V:

It was a normal day for...Don, killing people, well more like attempting to kill people.

Shut up! At least I've killed more people than you!

...Didn't you JUST get introduced 3 weeks ago? Whatever... let me finish, alright? *ahem*

Don was on his way to face the entire group... well not JUST Don. Duni had assigned him to bring along one of the people he chose in their group. He chose Dres.

"Why did you choose me again?" Dres asks as they made their way across the biome. A faint blush was visible on Don's dark skin.

"Because I had 3 choices. 1. Be annoyed by Dashlie's whiny voice. 2. Be asked by Duni a thousand times if we were near his "boyfriend" and 3. I don't like Ddawn," Don lied. Dres raises an eyebrow.

"I would've thought you liked Ddawn more than me," Dres smirked. DonDon blushed-

Because I was embarrassed! I totally wasn't blushing because I like him!

Sure you don't.

Oh shut up, you love me~


Ever since she brought me up in this silly story.


Fine, tell it how it "actually" happened

DonDon's P.O.V Now:

Okay, let me tell you all how it ACTUALLY happened. It is true I did pick Dres, to come with me, but I ain't telling why.

But I already know why~

Shut up! Don't be so cocky. Anyway...

(If you don't get it, the italics is DonDon but when it goes to the normal font then it's the Narrator at the time, bold was Dres, the regular font now is going to be DonDon who is Narrating- LET ME FINISH MORON! ;-;)

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