High School Project

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(Requested by Cutepuppu6, the ship, her favorite Frozres)

Prompt: Tommy is a shy nerd, Nick is a jock. There you go. (I'm not good with high school themes cuz I'm not in it XP)

3rd person P.O.V:

2:20 the clock said. School ends at 2:35. 'WHY WON'T IT END?' Our protagonist for the day, Nick thinks. He had a basketball tournament after school but he's not be allowed to play, because he's grounded for his grades.

"For this assigned project, I will be picking partners for you," the teacher announces. Nick sighs as he then takes one final glance at the clock. 2:25. The teacher then starts announcing names.

"Ashlie and Jon are partners." The teacher glances at the two in their seats. "Katiana and Sasha are partners," The two girls are best friends that sit right next to each other. They high fived. (If you're reading this Kat, waddup)

"Alexis and Nikki are partners, Mariah and Lauren are partners, Jake and Jack are partners-" the teacher made a bad choice, as Jake and Jack stood up and-

"YEEt!" They both screamed and sat back down. But their lucky their teacher is okay with humor because neither of the 2 boys got in trouble. Snickers emerge around the classroom.

"Nick and Tommy are partners," The teacher then stopped announcing as the bell rang. Nick was first to rise from his seat.

"Partners will have to work together, and if you don't know your partner well, it will be a good experience to get to know them. Class dismissed," the teacher announces, sitting back down as the class got their things. All the partners exited together quickly, the room was just left with the teacher, Tommy and Nick. Tommy glanced over at Nick who has got all of his stuff and was walking out the door.

"Hey Nick!" Tommy called after him, stumbling to gather his stuff and run after him. Nick stopped and waited for Tommy.

"We can go to my house and work on the project now if you want," Nick says with a smile at Tommy. He had a faint blush on his face. Tommy is such a shy person. He's also gay. Alot of people knew that, except for Nick, who was bisexual.

"U-uh yeah! Sure! I just have to get my stuff from my locker..." Tommy said, as he walked away. Nick stopped him.

"Hey, I'll come with you," Nick responds. They walk together, across the halls as Tommy then stops at his own locker. From behind the 2, obnoxious laughter was heard. Neither of them wanted to turn around. Nick especially, because he was friends with the person who the laugh belonged to. Chad.

"Oh, hey Nickolas, are you gonna beat up that nerd that's standing right in front of you?" Chad asks as he walks up to Nick and puts an arm on his shoulder, using it as an arm rest. Nick sighs and shoves Chad's arm off of his shoulder.

"No, I'm actually waiting for him so we can work on our project," Nick explains. Tommy closes his locker and slowly makes his way past Chad, as he grabs Nick's hand and drags him out of the situation. Nick waves a goodbye to Chad, even though he didn't care about saying goodbye to him. As Tommy and Nick were making their way out of school Tommy grew curios at why Nick never beat him up.

"Hey.... Nick?" Tommy asks, looking at him, as they walk. Nick hums to show response.

"Weren't you friends with Chad and his gang?" Tommy asks, fiddling with his fingers a bit.

"Yep, why you ask?" Nick responds.  Tommy hesitates.

"Well, if you were with the 'bullies' and you're a jock, why did you never pick on me? I'm a nerd..." Tommy admits, looking down. Nick stops, as they were very close to his house.

"I'm not into that jock stereotype thing. Yes I was with the 'bullies' But I don't want to be like them. Also, you're interesting, I wanna get to know you," Nick responds with a ruffle of Tommy's hair. Tommy chuckled at that.

"C'mon we're almost there," Nick replied, continuing to walk ahead. Tommy followed quickly after. As they walked and talked, Nick pulled out his house key, once he stopped at his house. 

"Come on in, my brothers not home, just the two of us," Nick says with a slight smirk.

It's beginning to get to the point where my readers are probably curious, so I'll tell you. Nick has developed feelings for Tommy in the past, and this is his perfect chance to get to know him. Tommy... is just gay for Nick. Back to the story now.

Nick opens the door for Tommy, acting like a gentleman that he is. Tommy giggles as he finds a place to set down his things. 

"Alrighty, let's find a place to start on our project," Tommy announced. Nick shut the door.

"Well, we can just work on the couch, " Nick pointed at the couch. Tommy nodded and got his books out of his bag.

"Alright,  let's start working,"  Tommy announced. Opening his book to the right page.

Now, I'm gonna skip this boring part.... and get to the good cheezy stuff for y'all! ~

"Erm....Tommy, can I ask you something?" Nick asks, in the middle of their progress. Tommy hums and looks at him to show he was listening.

"Can I ask you a question?" Nick asks once more. Tommy nods.

"Shoot," Tommy replied, waiting for the question.

"Um.... What's your sexuality?"  Nick asks, hurried. Tommy freezes. He had never been asked that type of question before; by a male especially.

"I'm.... gay actually," Tommy says with a slight stutter. Nick's eyes widen, just for a second as he then smirks.

"Good," Nick responds, inching closer to Tommy, making sure there was no space between the two.

"Because I'm Bi," Nick adds. He grabs Tommy's waist, putting both of his hands on Tommy's jawline. Tommy blushed as this all was happening too fast for him to process. Nick finally leaned in and kissed Tommy's lips. Tommy's eyes were still wide open, even when the front door opened, revealing Brendan, Nick's older brother.

"Hello? I'm home? Nick- Woah! Making out on my couch, what's going on?" Brendan asks, walking in front of the couch, Nick and Tommy were making out on. They quickly parted, Tommy blushing like a mad man. Brendan smiles at his brother as he sits on the chair across from the couch the 2 were sitting on.

"Spill," Brendan said. Inching closer. Nick face palmed.

~The End~

Yeah.... high school AU's aren't my best... but I can manage! Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed, and I'm all out of requests I think, so leave some in the comments! Also, I have a new book, I dunno if anyone saw, but they're all just Haiku's that I'm gonna be writing. Check it out if you're interested, I take requests for themes of


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