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The ship is Corshlie and...., I did not choose to do this, it was requested... thanks SpoopySkull33, I tried...also, it may be a subtle ships, I'm sorry there will only be 1 kiss since yours truly is in this)

(Time setting: Halloween duh, jk, a chapter long ago (Party Games) the one yours truly was in as Ashlie's sister (don't judge I just... Wanna meet them let me dream) so I'm going to be doing this, play song when you wish

3rd person P.O.V:

It was Halloween, the crew and Ashlie's adorable little sister were going trick or treating together. But first, let's go over their amazing costumes. Ashlie, found an Alice Angel costume. Sasha, Ashlie's sister, had a regular angel costume. Jon was a killer clown. Cory was unicory, (unicorn onesie) Dawn was in his evil robot outfit (Ddawn) Nick was a vampire (well duh) Uni was a wearwolf, and finally Tommy was a killer like Jon but he carried around a fake chainsaw, thus his favorite killer in Dead By Daylight.
"So, what's our plan, worm?" Tommy asked as they all made their way out of Ashlie's home. Ashlie sighed but answered anyway.

"We're either going trick or treating, or going into a haunted house-"
"Ashlie!! I don't want to go in the haunted house," Sasha whined as her halo atop her head, bobbled. Ashlie chuckled at the bobbling halo.
"Well, you don't have to go, even though you are old enough to enter," Ashlie said, looking down at her sister and taking her hand.
"Is the 9 year old scared of the haunted house?" Cory teased. Sasha pouted, as Ashlie chuckled and made her way closer to Cory. She leaned in, closer to his ear.
"Ask her to hit you," She whispered. She went back to her spot next to her sister and Cory was left looking confused. He then laughed.
"Okay fine, if you're mad, hit me as hard as you can," Cory said, kneeling down. Sasha's eyebrows narrowed into a V. She did NOT like hitting anyone. When she'd hit her sister at "full force" she would end up hurting herself. Only a few people knew that about her in the group.
"Go on, hit me, full power," Cory said, holding out his arm. She looked at his arm and then back at him.
"Well?" He asks, knowing what would happen when she slaps him. She eventually did it, it looked like it would hurt, and even sounded like it, but Cory didn't move a muscle. She frowns, her mind was racing with 'I can't hurt anybody, I can't hurt anybody, I can't hurt anybody'
"Sasha, was that your full power?" He asks her. She goes silent and looks at the floor as her halo bobbles.
"Y-yes..." She mutters softly. Cory laughs and puts a hand on her shoulder.
"You're a good kid Sasha, good kid," he says as he stands up from his kneel.
Sasha sighs as she holds her empty pillowcase, which should be holding her candy. Ashlie looks down at her who looked up at Ashlie.
"Candy!" She said happily, as Ashlie puts a hand on her shoulder.
"Alright, are we all going trick or treating?" Ashlie asks, finally turning to the others.
"But the haunted house...?" Nick and Tommy both pouted. Ashlie took a hold of Sasha's hand and lifted it up. They did a mental 'Oh' as they followed Ashlie and Sasha who were already walking hand in hand. Cory ended up bumping into Ashlie as they were going to their 3rd house.
"Uh...Hey," he says with a slight stutter. Ashlie turns her head to look at him.
"Hey," She says back. Sasha leans over to look at Cory. She made a 'Hmph' noise. They were both silent for a while until Sasha froze, making Ashlie stop as well.
"What's wrong, Sash?" Ashlie asks, looking down at her sister. It was still a bit bright and the sun wasn't completely down so you were able to see. She was looking forward, wide eyed.  Ashlie tried looking the direction that Sasha was looking, along with Cory. Ashlie eventually took sight apon a smaller girl but looked the same age as Sasha, wearing a black outfit, cat ears, a flower crown with her cat ears, and she had very poofy brown hair. Ashlie looked closer at the girls head and then back at Sasha.
"Isn't that one of your friends or something?" She asks Sasha. Sasha nods.
"I don't want to go up to her.... she was mad at me this morning," Sasha said as she looked back up at Ashlie.
"Oh she was mad? Then apologize! Go talk to her," Ashlie said, looking over at the girl who was nearing their direction.
"YO WHAT'S WITH THE HOLD UP?" Tommy shouted, which made Sasha and the girl turn around.  The girl swirled around when she heard the screams then smiled widely as she then walked her way over to Sasha. Her Halloween costume was a steam punk, and she looked rather pretty in it.
"Sasha!" The girl happily exclaims.... kind of. A hint of anger was hidden in her voice. Ashlie looks at how her sister was reacting to this, it looked like she was about to cry. Then Ashlie glanced to Cory.
"What's going on with your sister?" He asks as Sasha let go of Ashlie's hand since the taller girl was hugging her. Which was Ashlie's cue to take Cory's hand, who blushed when she did.
"I'm not sure, I'll have to look into it when she gets home," She whispers as she turns back to the chattering girls. The taller girl then ended the hug Sasha.  Even though how dark it was, Ashlie could see faint blush on Sasha's face! Ashlie then understood, and turned to Cory.
"I think I know what's going on now..." She said quietly, squeezing Cory's hand. Cory nodded. The girl looked up at Ashlie.
"Hi! I'm Sasha's sister, are you Melina that she has been telling me about?" Ashlie asked. Melina nodded, her steam punk hat almost falling off of her head.
"Can I go Trick or Treating with Sasha?" She asks, shyly. Sasha was smiling, but it looked fake which Ashlie has never seen before.
"Yeah, it's fine with me," Ashlie said as she turned to Sasha, who nodded. She knew the drill when she was out of the house. Sasha simply looked down and muttered something inaudible, but it seemed to be audible to Melina.
"Look, I'm here with you, and we're going trick or treating and we're gonna have fun because we're besties," Melina said while walking to a house that she was walking to before. Sasha seemed to mutter something again because Melina told her to stop pointing it out as she grabbed Sasha's hand and ran her to the other house.
Uni, Jon, Tommy and Nick walked over as soon as they saw Sasha and the other girl leave.
"What was that all about?" Nick asks once they reach Cory and Ashlie who were still hand in hand.
"Sasha and her little friend are going trick or treating together, nothing much. But this friend means a lot to her because she says she's her second best friend instead of her first," Ashlie explained with a shrug. The group looked sad after Ashlie had explained what happened with her sister
"Can we go to the haunted house now?" Tommy asked, hiding his fake chainsaw behind him.
"Yeah, but I still want candy," Ashlie said as she walked forward, dragging Cory with her. Uni frowned as he saw Cory holding hands with Ashlie. Jon went forward and bumped into Nick.
"Eek!" Jon squeaked as he was about to tumble over Nick, who happend to catch him.
"Oof..." Jon said, even though he wasn't actually hurt. Nick chuckled.
"You okay, Jon?" Nick asks. Jon nods, and he recollect himself, he stands up clearly as Nick doesn't let go of his hand. Neither of the two mind.
(Okay, Ashlie is taken so I HAVE to have some Zron in here, because you know me)

"CANDY, LET'S GO!" Ashlie shouted to the boys behind her, since she was dragging one with her. She chuckels to herself which Cory could hear clearly.
"What's so funny?" He asks which makes her chuckle more.
"UniCory," She says, rendering to his Unicorn onesie, which Cory though it meant something along the lines of Shipping, and Uni, which to him was a big NO to him. Cory sighs as he then smirks and makes a popping sound.
"You're Alice Angel," he says in a high sing song voice. Which makes her laugh, which makes her do her Alice laugh on purpose.

(Yeah...that's the end, imma put a bonus scene with the ship, you can skip the shipping scene if you don't enjoy this ship, but do enjoy my writing in particular, anyway here we go! Not the end yet!)

~Ship scene~

As the gang was all finished trick or treating and going to a haunted house, it was time for them to disperse. Nick and Jon never let go of each others' hands. At random times, Tommy held up his fake chainsaw and made his chainsaw noises, as they passed by people, he eventually passed Sasha and her friend who were hand in hand and scared them both. Ashlie and Cory however, never let go of each other's hands until they got to Ashlie's home.
Ashlie walked up to her doorstep as she opens the door, a crack.
"Bye Cor," She says. Then she pauses and turns back around to face him, he was standing on the steps. She smiled, leaned in, and planted her lips on his. It was a short kiss that they both enjoyed, Ashlie opened the door to her house fully and as she turned around to close her door from the inside she waved to Cory, who was blushing.
"Good night~" She said as she slowly closed the door. 

I know I know, it's not Halloween anymore but it's just schedule. So, if you haven't read my Rant book yet, please do so, it is the month of November and I have lots of things going on which will make me not be able to post. Anyway I hope you enjoyed! (Sorry to @SpoopySkull33 if you aren't satisfied with the amount of shippingness, it's really hard to write something good, that I don't ship, please understand) bye now, leave requests! I don't have many and I need alot!


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