Potential Boyfriend- (Hardcore Quest AU)

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(A Duunnii Requested By: FAMC-AT_Frantic1908)

(If you don't watch Uni's hardcore Quest just don't read it, people who do watch this, u cool)

Uni's P.O.V:

I turn around as I hear the door open, no one came in yet. Except Ddawn and Duni. I can't believe what they did!

"Well well well," Duni spoke. My eyes widened in shock. His voice sounded exactly like mine but deeper, and raspy... I didn't want to admit it but it was really attractive.

I heard everyone else dissapear behind me, Bane must have teleported them without me!

I turned around, they were all gone.

"I see your friends aren't here to save you now," He says turning around towards Ddawn. Ddawn nodded and left the room.

It was just us two.

"I didn't really mean that..." Duni says, looking down. A confused look grew on my face.

"What?" I ask, he turns to face me and he walks closer.

(Pretend whenever he says "what?" That it's pronounced "Wot " because of his accent )

"I didn't mean that... your friends don't have to save you... I just wanted your friends gone so we could be alone..." he said, he sounded really promising.

I reached for my sword but didn't get it out.

"How can I trust you?! You're evil!" I shout at him. Then he did something I thought he'd never do, he smiled at me!

"Uni, I know I've done all these horrible things, but it's all because of Dashlie, Dres, and Ddawn... they corrupted me...I know we sound like the exact opposite of you guys... but there was a part of me before I was with them... I was nicer, Uni, and I'm sorry for the pain I've caused..." all of that was like a speech. Leaving me speechless.

"D-Duni..." Since that moment he's confused me... He walked closer to me and grabbed me by my shoulders. I tensed up for a second but loosened up afterwards.

"I just want you to trust me... I'm not gonna hurt you, just close your eyes..." he said, calmly.

And I did so, I was confused why but then I felt a pair of lips on mine. I didn't want to open my eyes, I just wanted to gather the process of what was going on...

No question it was Duni, but why was he kissing me...? He broke apart, which was my cue to open my eyes, and he smiled at me.

"I can help you find your friends," he offered. My face got a little warm.

He chuckled a little bit. I slightly growled. "Come on, I don't know where your friends would be but it wouldn't hurt to try and help you." He smiles.

I smile back, slightly.

"Remember, I would never dream of hurting you," he says, outstretching his hand. I take it and smile.

they walked to the outskirts of Hard Landing•

"UNI'S GOT A BOYFRIEND!" I heard Ashlie shout. They all must have teleported outside of Hard Landing. Ashlie must've seen me and him holding hands.

"Not yet~" Duni says as Ashlie ran over. My face heats up at that. I let go of his hand once everyone else came over.

"Oohhhhh! Uni is this your Boyfriend?" Jon asks. My face gets red.

"No..." I muttered. Then I thought back to what Duni said; Not yet...

"Well if he's not, Duni are you gonna ask him?" Ashlie asked. My eyes widened.

I turned to Duni mouthing; Not Here. He chuckled, "Not here," he smirks.

"Aww man..." Ashlie mutters.

Jon walked towards Duni.

"I want to thank you for not being as cruel to me as the others were," Jon smiled at Duni.

"Yeah don't mention it..." Duni said.

"Since you aren't as cruel as the others why don't you hang out with us, since you are Uni's potential boyfriend after all," Ashlie smirks.

"Sure, why not!" Duni smiles.

"Just one question," Nick steps forward.

"Hmm?" Duni replies.

"Do you like red soup?" Nick and Ashlie asked at the same time. I face palmed.

Duni looks at me then back at them. Then he walks over and whispered something in their ears.

Ashlie gives him a thumbs up and Nick just shrugs.

"O...kay?" I say. Duni turns to face me.

"So, do you mind having your potential boyfriend around?" Duni asks me. My face turns red.

"U-uh... not really..." I mutter.

"Good," he says then kisses me on my forehead.

"AWW," Everyone shouts from behind.

And that's how I lost my cool that day.

~The End~

Lol, I had no idea how to end this, anyways bye!


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