Nick and Jon Show- {REMAKE!}

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(Because this old chapter is too short for my new standard of 1,000 words or more, I'm making a new one! Enjoy!)

Jon's P.O.V:

I yawned myself awake and my eyes fluttered open. Every morning I wake up, I hear the ducks quacking. Now it was only the one. I get out of bed with a smile planted on my face and look around my house. Even though I had just recently got it, I'm still not used to it... I thought to myself. I sigh as I then forget my morning routine. Greeting Nick in the morning; my most favorite thing to do. While I looked over at his door, I realized he wasn't out before me, which was a first. I skipped along to his house and knocked loudly on the door. I knocked at least 10 times and he wasn't answering. Then I waited at the window, looking in his house. From behind me, I thought I could hear grassy footsteps, sneaking around. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Heya Jon!" A familiar female voice shouted. I jumped at the voice and turned around to see the one and only, Ashlie. I let out a sigh of relief, glad it was no stranger.

"Oh... Hi Ashlie! You startled me," I said to her in a cheery voice.

"Good morning to you Jon, what'cha doing by Nick's door? Huh?" She asked with a smirk. She knew about my crush on him. I wanted to make it as subtle as possible but I was afraid she was going to make it more obvious. Even though I always blush whenever he's around.... and stutter when he gets closer to me... Nevermind that!
I began to blush red when Ashlie started poking me, trying to get the answer out of me.

"UGH! Fine, I'm just going to greet him, like I always do in the morning," I finally let out with a sigh. Ashlie smiles.

"Glad you are doing what you love. Now if he's sleeping, give him a kiss," Ashlie giggled evilly as she runs away.

{P.O.V. SWITCH Because while writing Sasha forgot it was Jon's P.O.V. and made it 3rd person so here's editing Sasha to make it make more sense}

3rd person P.O.V:

Jon sighs and faces Nick's door once more. He inhaled sharply and simply opened the door. Jon wouldn't normally flat out open the door unless he knew what they were doing in their home. But Jon had no idea what Nick was doing. If he was sleeping, in his basement or even showering; though, since Jon is already in the house and he could hear no water running, which was relieving him. Jon looked around as he closed the door behind him and walked around, examining his raven-haired neighbors' house.

"Nick!?" Jon whisper shouted through the house. Since Jon had looked around the entire top floor, he figured Nick was somewhere on the bottom floor; his basement. Jon had like to go into Nick's basement WITH Nick, but because Jon was going into his basement when Nick was not with him, he had felt a bit nervous and uncomfortable. Jon slowly crept open the hatch of Nick's basement as he then walked down the stairs carefully, trying his best not to make a sound, just in case the love of his life was asleep. Sure enough, he was; as Jon reached the bottom of the staircase, which entered the basement, he could already see a sleeping Nick. As well as hear, from Nick making small inhaling noises, and then small snores. Jon smiled lightly to himself as he tiptoed lightly over to the couch that his raven-haired crush was sleeping on. Jon crouched down so he was leveled with the couch and Nick's snoozing face.

"Nick...?" Jon whispered as quiet as possible, which had only ended up sounding like a small exhale. Jon just kept smiling and admiring Nick, who he thought looked adorable while sleeping. He quietly crept onto the empty spot on the couch next to his sleeping love. Jon slowly slid Nick onto his lap, Nick being the smaller one, (Fite me, I did this because Jon is taller irl-) was easily able to slide into Jon's lap without being interrupted from his slumber. Nick's breathing began to slow which Jon did not take notice of.

"You're so adorable when you're asleep..." Jon trailed off, forgetting that people can he

"I love you...." Jon muttered as he cuddled Nick closer in his arms. As Jon slowly closed his eyes, he felt Nick slightly move. Jon opened one eye and saw Nick's face suddenly touch his. Their lips collided and Jon was left red as a tomato. Once their lips parted, Nick smirked at Jon's red face.

"Oh well good morning to you, Jon~" he purred as he snaked his arms around my waist slowly. As he did that, he began to lean in closer to Jon's face one more, planting his lips on his again. And this time, Jon was able to enjoy it this time, so he melted into the kiss instead of staying shocked. He kissed back and liked it. This time, when they parted from the kiss it was Jon's turn to smirk.

"Did I wake you?" He asked, tilting his head slightly. Nick shrugged.

"If you did, I don't care. Oh and, I love you t-" It was seconds before Nick could finish his sentence, to be cut off by loud footsteps thumping down the stairs.

"HEY GUYS! HOW'S IT GOIN'?" Ashlie hollered as she made her way down the stairs. She then froze as she saw Nick sitting on Jon's lap, facing him. Both of the male's were blushing red as tomatoes while she stared at them. Ashlie's facial expression was basically a Lenny face.

"O-oh! Hi, Ashlie!" Jon studdered, basically shoving Nick off of him. Nick landed on his floor with a 'Thud' followed by an 'oof' coming from him.

"Were you two.... making out?" Ashlie asked, her smirk remaining on her face. Nick snickered from his place on the floor.

"No!" Jon shouted.

"Yea," Nick said afterward, standing up and putting his hand on Jon's cheek. Ashlie shrugged and left the room with a wave of her hand.

"Well, continue then, have fun you two~," Ashlie said, as she then left the basement and went back up the stairs, closing the hatch door loudly behind her. Nick turned to look and Jon who was already looking at him.

"Are we gonna...?" Jon asked shyly. Nick smirked and sat back on Jon's lap.

That answered Jon's question.







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