Chapter One. Good Looking Evil.

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Author's note: this fanfiction has been finished a long time ago but gained new readers and I decided it was time to revisit it. I deleted a few things, added others and tried to make it not as problematic as it used to be. Other than that, this is just a silly fanfiction I wrote as a teen. Please, don't take anything seriously. Have fun!

"She'll cut you down with a single thrust, she's taking over too quickly." - Seether

                    Seven years, yes, it's been seven years since I've been wrestling. I'm only 20, I know, but I'm already in the main roster of Raw, being the fourth member of The Shield. Not to sound egocentric or anything, but my father's best friend being Vince McMahon isn't the reason why I, even being so young, am in Raw, and with such a good stable. I do have talent. I'm Lacey, but people usually call me Ace, specially my partners. How did I get in The Shield?

Well, Seth was a big friend of mine, we met when I was beginning my trainings, and he helped me through it all, specially being away from my family. I was from Ohio, so when I started wrestling, I moved into Vince's, and then into Seth's, so we became really good friends. He was like an older brother to me.

He was the one who convinced Roman and Dean to let me join them, and then, the three of them convinced Triple H to put me on the main roster. Of course, he didn't think I was ready, but I proved him wrong, and now, here I am, ringside, on the corner of the Shield, while they wrestle The Wyatt Family.

"Come on, Dean!" I yelled, and he threw Luke on their corner, winking at me, before tagging Roman in.

That was a part of the character. I didn't have any idea why, but Dean seemed to hate me. Since the day that Seth introduced me to him, he just decided we were supposed to be enemies. He was a weird guy, after all, so I didn't think much of it. Roman and Seth were great, so that was fine.

I kept my eyes on Bray, making sure he wouldn't attack from behind or anything like that. A chill ran down my spine as he looked at me, anger filling his eyes, and then he laughed.

I looked back at the guys inside the ring, always cheering and yelling at them, like I always did.

With a spear, Luke fell to the mat.

"Take them!" I yelled, pointing at Bray and Eric, and Dean and Seth ran at them on the other corner, punching and kicking them, as Roman tried for the pin.

1... 2... 3... The match was over. The Wyatt's couldn't believe as me and my guys entered the ring, putting our fists together as Dean held his United States Championship belt.

We walked backstage, and entered our locker room. The three of them were tired, but I wasn't... Since the Total Divas started, the only matches happening were between those divas, which was boring me already, I was dying to get a chance, and that made me a bit upset.

"Great match, uh?" Seth chuckled, sitting on the couch beside me and wrapping his arms around my shoulder.

"Yeah, sure." I forced a smile, not taking my eyes from the wall. Of course I was happy for them, but I also wanted to wrestle.

"Whassup, sweetie?" Roman asked, a concerned look on his face. He treated me like I was his younger sister, or daughter, which was lovely.

"It's just that..." I tried to explain, but Dean cut me off. Surprise, surprise.

"She's not happy for us, that's it." He said, throwing his sweaty shirt on my face.

"Leave me alone, Dean!" I threw it back at him, rolling my eyes. "All I'm sayin is, I'm kind upset because it's been like... A month since my last match. One fucking month! They're putting all the spotlight on the Total Divas women and this is pissing me off."

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