Taeyong ♡ Peter Pan

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Waving goodbye to the little kids that just took a picture with you, two more come forward with there parents at there side. Smiling, you bend down to reach there heights.
"Hello" you smile at them
"Hi Belle" they both smile back
"What's your name?" You ask the little girl who just gave you a book to sign.
"Tiffany" she answers shyly
"Beautiful name" you compliment her.

Working at Disney Land was like a dream come true. You get to meet and talk to many people everyday while looking like a princess and you absolutely loved it.
"Say thank you Tiffany" says her mother
"Thank you" you says shyly
"You're welcome" you smile
"Can I take a picture with you?" She asks
"Of course" You stand up

You both pose for a picture and just as the camera clicks, all the kids in line begin to laugh. You turn around to see Peter Pan photobombing you. "Hello Belle" he kisses your hand
"Oh hello Peter" you stay in character
"How are you today?" He asks
"I'm fine how are you?" He asks
"I'm very well my lady. Oh and I got something for you" he got down on one knee "a rose for a rose" he pulls out a rose.
"Thank you...may I talk to you Peter?" You mumble the last part
"Im sure that all these kids wouldn't want you to leave, they love you too much" he smirks

"Speaking of kids, why don't you go see the kids that are waiting to see you" you lightly push him"go on" you smile "say bye kids"
"Bye!!" Shout the kids happily

* Later That Day *

You just finished your shift and just got changed out of your outfit and into normal clothes. You exit the changing room only to see Mr Peter Pan in jeans and a plain shirt. He notices you and smile before going up to you.
"Hey" he smiles
"Uh um hey" you blush lightly
"I'm Lee Taeyong but you might know me as Peter Pan" he takes out his hand
"Park Y/N" you shake his hand while still blushing
"I know this sounds weird because we just met but...My Beauty, may I walk you back to your castle?" He bows in princely way. You giggle lightly at how cute it was.
"You may" you bow while holding your skirt
"Well then, shall we" you take out his arm and link yours with his.

The walk home was comfortable. You both talked about your interests to each over, arms still holding. Once you arrived at your house you both stop. You look at him and he looks at you.
"Thank you Taeyong" you thank
"You know, you can thank me with a...kiss" he says while swaying his body with his hands in his pocket.
"Hmmm" you think.
You get on your tip-toes and place a small kiss on his cheek.
"See you tomorrow Pan" you smile before going inside your house.

Taeyong stand there, smiling to him self like an idiot. The girl that he liked since the day he started the job finally liked him back.

 The girl that he liked since the day he started the job finally liked him back

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This boi would make a PERFECT Peter Pan

- Moon SooMin

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