Jisung ♡ Dance

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——— Jisung P.O.V ———

"I can't get this right" Y/N groans again as she lays on the ground, sweat beads running down her forehead.

Jaemin chuckles, turning the music off before striding towards Y/N with her water bottle in his hand. He hands it to her before sitting down next to her, legs crossed. He cranks his head towards me, waving me over with a smile.

"It's not easy Y/N. You can't always get it right on the first time" Jaemin smiles at her

"I know but I've been practicing for hours. Why can't I get it right?" She groans

"It took me a week to get it right you know. Don't push yourself to hard" he pats her back

"Yeah but that's because you're still recovering. I'm fully stable and I can't do it perfectly. Do you know how frustrating that is?! How can I be the dancer of the group if I can't even dance" she pouts

"I can stay and help you after practice" I offer

"Really?! Thanks Jiji" she hugs me causing me to blush. I look over at Jaemin who just winks at me before breaking into a grin.

"We have to go back now. But you work hard ok." Jaemin stands up and I follow.

"Oh ok. Bye guys" she waves at us happily

——— Y/N P.O.V ———

Practice just finished and now I'm on my way to the dreamies practice room.

"Y/N wait up!" I heard

Turning around, I see Jaemin running towards me.

"You're going to find Jisung right?" He asks

"Yea" I nod

"Great. Let's go together." He interlocks out fingers, grinning at me before pulling me to their practice room.

He opens the door and drags me in, taking my bag from me then throwing it on the couch.

"Let's start practicing" he claps his hands

"Oh hyung you're joining us?" Jisung asks

"Yup" he smiles at me before going to turn on the music

——— Jisung P.O.V ———

The whole time we were practicing, Jaemin would always touch or joke around with Y/N. It was really getting on my nerve.

"Jisung-ah here take a few pictures of us. We're going to act like a couple" Jaemin throws his phone at me before linking his forehead with Y/Ns grinningly. 

Finally having enough, I stomp out of the room, not even taking a glance back.

"Ya Jisung-ah. Jiji hold up" Y/N voice could be heard in the distance

Eventually, a hand rests on my shoulder, turning me around.

"Why'd you run out like that?" She asks innocently

"I just didn't feel wanted." I reply coldly

"Jiji you shouldn't feel like that. You know we love you" she smiles at me

"Do you love me the way i want you to" I accidentally say

"What?" She asks

"I-I nothing." I sigh

"I love you as a crush Jisung-ah" she says honestly

"Wait what?"

"I like you. A lot." She says shyly

"I-I- Wait wasn't I supposed to confess to you?"

"Beat ya to it" she grins like a child

"You're adorable" I mutter

She leans in and places a soft kiss on my cheek.

"Thanks. Oh and Jaemin wants his phone back"


Sorry for the late request SongRaeyeon

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