Chenle ♡ Childhood Friend

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Childhood Friend

Chinese is in bold
Korean is normal

♥︎ 12 years ago ♥︎

"Chenle! Chenle!" Screamed a little (Y/N) as she ran towards her best friend since birth.

"What is it?" He asked as he placed down his shovel and bucket that was filled with sand.

"Let's play tag!" (Y/N) grabbed the little boys arm.

She tapped him on the arm and yelled "TAG!" before running away screaming.

♥︎ 4 years ago ♥︎

"Hey (Y/N) let's go get ice cream" says Chenle as they both walk out of the school

"Ok" she shrugs

Chenle puts his arm around her shoulder and they began walking to the ice cream parol down the road.

Once they go there, Chenle payed for their ice cream then they sat down at one of the booths eating happily.

They've been friends since birth, should he really leave her now?

After ice cream, Chenle walked her back home. They stood in front of her house door.

"Why don't you come inside?" She asks

"I can't. I have to go back home." He smiles slightly

"Oh ok. Bye ChenChen" she hugs him

Chenle wraps his arms around her tiny body.

"I'll miss his feeling..." he mumbles

"What?" Asks (Y/N)

"Nothing" he smiles

"Hmm ok. Now seriously, bye Chennie"

Taking in a deep breath, Chenle leans forward and places a kiss on her lips. (Y/N) freezes on her spot.

He pulls away.

"Bye (Y/N)" he walks away.

♥︎ Present time ♥︎

Its been 4 years. 4 years since Chenle left me. I tried contacting him at first but I soon gave up.

His mom said that he went to Korea to become an idol. I never bothered to search him up though.

He left me easily and he never bothered to check up on me so why should I care about him?

"(Y/N) come on! Let's go!" Screams one of my team mates

♥︎ Chenle P.O.V ♥︎

"Finally, back in China" I let out a breath of air as we leave the airport. We go past all the fangirls and boys and got in the car.

"Chenle are you sure you want to stay at your parents house and not in the hotel? There is an extra bed in Renjun's room" asks our manager

"Yes manager-nim. I want to see my parents. And her.." I mumble the last part

"Alright then I'm going to take a nap" says our manager before falling asleep

"So, who's her?" Asks HaeChan as he wiggles his eyebrows

"My childhood friend" i sigh "who i left"

"Oh shit." Said someone

"Are you going to see her?" Asks Jeno

"Yeah hopefully. Let's just hope she isn't mad" i shake my head

Once we arrived at my parents house. All the dream members got out. Or manager agreed on putting their bags and stuff in their rooms in the hotel.

My parents were at the door waving happily at me. I get engulfed in a hug by my parents. They take us both in and we see (Y/N)'s mom sitting on the couch.

"Chenle" she hugs me "you've grown so much" she smiles

"Is (Y/N) here?" I ask

"She's on her way. She just finished football practice" she smiles

"She still likes sports?" I smile as the memory of 7 year old (Y/N) kicking a football for a first time

"I'm here!"

I look behind me to see (Y/N) with purple highlights standing in her school uniform with her backpack slung over her shoulder.

"Hey" i smile

"Ch-chenle?" she looks at me in shock

She drops her bag on the floor and runs out of the door as fast as she could

"(Y/N) WAIT!" I yell and run after her

I follow the girl around the neighborhood, screaming her name over and over again. We got a couple of stares from children and adults but I didn't care.

I eventually catch up to her and engulf her in a back hug.

"Let go of me" she tries to wiggle out

"(Y/N) I missed you" I cry into her shoulder

"Clearly" she rolled her eyes

"Look I'm sorry for not calling or texting. The company made me change my phone number and I had to focus on improving my Korean and practicing. I really did miss you. I'm sorry for not saying goodbye I just didn't know how to tell you and the kiss.. well I really like you (Y/N) and I wanted to take my chance before leaving so please forgive me" I ramble

No one says a word. We just look at each other as (Y/N)'s eyes fill with tears. She hugs me and cries into my shoulder. I silently run my fingers through her soft hair, hoping that she wold stop crying. 

"L-let's go home" she sniffs and pulls away

I nod as we begin to walk side by side. I look down at my hand to notice that (Y/N) has linked our pinkies together, just like when we were kids. A smile creeps to my face as I look at (Y/N) again.

My (Y/N).

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