Kun ♡ Graduation

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(if you don't know this, kun graduated last year and was invited to give a speech to the nee graduates in his old college)


(give this boy a proper debut please) ———————————————

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(give this boy a proper debut please)

it was finally your graduation day. after 4 years of torture, you are now going to leave school and get your own job. you luckily scored a job in some big kpop entertainment company in korea as a music producer.

you have just slipped on your red graduation gown and was now checking yourself out in the mirror. fixing your hair slightly, you pick up your purse and walk out of the bathroom.

you walk down the empty hall until you notice a lost figure. he was looking around, confused on if he should turn left or right.

"umm excuse me?" you ask him

he turns around and looks at you. he was pretty cute you had to admit. you've never seen his face around campus before so you were kind of confused on he he was.

"do you need any help?" you ask him

"actually yes. um can you show me where the graduation ceremony is?" he asks you

"oh um i'm actually about to head that way. follow me" you begin walking down the corridor with him next to you

deciding to break the awkward silence, you ask him some questions.

"so how come i've never seen your face around campus?" you ask

"oh i graduated last year but they invited me to give a speech. how come i've never seen your face around campus?" he asks back

"oh i used to study in another university but moved here this year" you reply

"oh nice. i'm kun by the way" he takes his hand out

"y/n" you smile at him as you shake hands

you stop by the door which will lead you to the garden where the graduation will be held.

"if you're giving a speech i bet they want you back over there" you point to another door

"oh okay. thank you and good luck" he smiles before walking away

you walk out of the door and go search for you family. once you spot them, you hug them as they congratulate you.

you mingle with your fellow classmates before everyone was asked to sit down. you say goodbye to your parents and siblings and go sit down in your seat next to a boy and a girl in your class.

the speakers begin speaking, slowly calling out names. with every name, people clap and cheer for them proudly.

once it was your turn, you walk up the steps, taking your diploma from your professor then turning around to snap a picture with him.

you caught kun staring at you from your corner of your eye but you never thought much of it.

after a long list of names, kun gets up and gives his speech, keeping an eye on you the whole time.

——— Kun P.O.V ———

after the graduation, i look for y/n in the crowd. it was hard to tell who was who since all the graduates were wearing the same red gown.

finally catching a glimpse of her, i make my way through the crowd to proud parents and tired students. i see her getting closer to her car so i begin screaming her name but she couldn't hear me through all the talking in the ceremony.

and she left.

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