Jaemin ♡ Picnic

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Being slightly blinded by the rays of sun shining in through the curtains, I dig my head in my pillow and let out a groan.

I unplug my phone and read the notifications.

7:02 am
Saturday April 14 2018

Ya (Y/N)
Wanna go out today?

I type a quick "sure" before getting up to go to the bathroom. I tie my hair up in a messy bun and begin doing my morning routine.

While brushing my teeth, my phone screen lights up indicating that I've received a notification.

Wear something comfortable. I'll pick you up in 10

I go back to my room and pull out a striped white and red shit and some blue shorts, matched with some black combat boots.

I leave my hair down and pick up my bag before going downstairs. The door bell rings and I quickly go open it revealing my boyfriend for 2 years.

"Hey baby" he smiles widely

I step outside and lock the door before hugging him. He intertwines our fingers as we walk to the car.

Throughout the car ride, we sung, laughed and talked until we reached the park.

"What are we doing here?" I ask

"We're having a picnic" Jaemin smiles at me

"Oh ok" I let out a small giggle as I reach for the door handle

"Wait!" Screeches Jaemin as he runs put of his door, round to the other side of the car and opens my door

"My lady" he bows

"You didn't have to do that you know" I laugh

"I know" he pecks my lips before grabbing the picnic basket from the boot of the car

He comes back to me and intertwines our fingers as we wall around the park, trying to find a nice place to sit.

We soon found a place right under a cherry blossom tree. Jaemin placed down the picnic blanket and the picnic basket as we both sit down.

I lay down flat on my back and enjoy the heat coming from the sun. I hear a 'click' sound so I open my eyes and look at Jaemin who was holding his phone, smiling at the picture he just took.

"I'm making this my background" he grins at me

I look over his shoulder leave a small peck on his cheek.

"I love you" I coo in his ear before getting up, taking a few steps around the cherry blossom tree.

Suddenly, two arms wrap around my waist, turning me round and round. I scream and screech as Jaemin laughs and laughs.

He places me down, holding my waist.

"I love you more" he places a long and meaningful kiss on my lips as I wrap my arms around his neck.

Pulling away, Jaemin lays his forehead on my own "lets eat" he smiles

He takes my hand and we both sit down on the blanket. Jaemin pulls out all types of food.

You both eat while watching the kids run around and play happily. A ball rolls up to Jaemins feet as a little boy runs up to him shyly asking for the ball.

"Here you go little one" Jaemin smiles at him

"Thank you hyung" the kid bows down

I smile lovingly at Jaemin as I imagine him as a dad.

Ya! (Y/N) what are you thinking! Your only 18 for the love of god. You can't have kids now.

Jaemin leans in to my ear and whispers "We'll have our own one day though. Don't worry"

Shit did I say that out loud?

"Yeah you did babe"

I awkwardly laugh while scratching my neck. Jaemin pecks my cheek "you're just too cute"

At the end of the day, Jaemin walks me back home and we end up watching a movie and cuddling asleep.

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