Lucas ♡ I'm Going To Steal Your Girl

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——— Lucas P.O.V ———

we hot we young


mark; me and y/n send you all of out love lol

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mark; me and y/n send you all of out love lol

chenle; where are you guys?

donghyuck; lol lucas is going to be so jealous

renjun; i took this picture of them!

jaemin; you're with them?

renjun: yup

jeno; lol third wheel

lucas; i am not jealous
lucas; im lucas
lucas; why should i be jealous

mark; lol i just asked her what she thought of you and she went 'meh he's ok'

renjun; i got it on camera lol
renjun; *inserts video*

jisung; waaa noona looks pretty

lucas; what does she mean 'meh'!

chenle; oh hyung
chenle; if only you met her sooner
chenle; then you might of had a shot
chenle; but now she's head over heels for mark

lucas; ik

mark; well i mean she is my girlfriend

jaemin; how are you ok with him liking your girlfriend

mark; ik she loves and i love her so thats all that matters

lucas; mianhae mark

mark; gwenchana
mark; just know your place and everything will be ok

jisung; can noona come over to the dorm?

jeno; yeah can she?!
jeno; its been a while

mark; let me ask her

jaemin; lol where did renjun go?

renjun; i left
renjun; they were getting too kissy with each other
renjun; now its just me and my strawberry milk

jaemin; its ok hyung
jaemin; we can be all kissy when you get back to the dorm

renjun; ew

jaemin; :(

mark; she's coming to the dorm
mark; lucas are you coming?

lucas; yeah
lucas: im going to steal her
from you mark
(message not sent. press to resend)
lucas: sorry mark
(message not sent. press to resend)
lucas; im just deeply in
love with her
(message not sent. press to resend)

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