Yuta ♡ The Better Ending

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"i missed you" cries the girl in the movie

"missed?" asked the boy

"i did miss you before mike. but now i've moved on." the girl cries harder

the tears start to pour out of your eyes. you couldn't believe that she was going to leave him just like that. especially for shitty guy like andrew.

deciding that you didn't want to wake up to puffy eyes, you turn off your tv and walk to the kitchen to grab some food.

opening the fridge, you look at the leftover pizza that you have. immediately, you think back to the scene in the movie where there was a black out and mike and sierra were eating the left over pizza together in the dark.

you begin to bawl your eyes out again. you pick up your phone and scroll through your contacts until you stop at your best friend, Yuta, number.

you click on it and wait for it to rung a little until he answered.

"yeobsayo?" he sighs tiredly. it was 12 am already

"y-yuta~" you cry loader

"y-y/n! are you okay?! what happened?! actually don't answer that i'll be over as fast as i can" you could hear him rushing around his room, probably searching for a shirt to wear

the phone call ends with a beep and you quickly sink down into the ground. you bring your knees up to your chest and continue crying. you were always a soft one when it came to sad love stories.

minutes later you heard a knock at your door. you lazily get up and trudge your way to the door. swinging it open, yuta brings you in his arm without hesitation.

he knew that you loved his hug, especially when you were sad. you sniffle against his chest as he soothes out your hair.

once you calm down he places his fingers at your chin and raises your head so you can make eye contact.

"whats wrong y/n?" he asks worriedly

"i-i was watching a-a m-movie and i-it was s-so sad" you sniffle

"oh god y/n didn't i tell you not to watch those anymore" he sighs

"m-mianhae" you wipe your eyes

"come on. go sit on the couch and i'll go get you a cup of water" he guided you the couch, kissing your forehead before heading to the kitchen

yuta and you have been best friends since he moved from japan to korea. you were both practically twins and you both knew the others next moves or words. 7 months ago, yuta confessed to you but you told him that you don't feel the same but that didn't break your bond. in fact it made it stronger. yuta and you were still great friends till this day.

just then, the lights turn off. shocked, you looked about, quickly attacking the aide lamp, trying to turn it on. yuta walks in with his phones flash on and a glass of water.

"powers out" he hands you the cup

"o-oh" you shake a little

"are you hungry? i can microwave the pizza that you have" he suggests

"yeah that would be great" you smile at him

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