Jaemin ♡ Ditching School

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math. the most boring subject in the world. well, at least for you. everyone in the class was bored out of their minds as the teacher snoozes on her desk. even she thinks it's boring. nobody was doing the paper that was assigned except one person. na jaemin.

he was the smart but cute boy of the school. he wasn't popular but everyone knew who he is and we're always friendly towards him. his big smile makes it hard for people to bully him for his brains.

"do you understand this?" you whisper to him

jaemin, who sat next to you, looks up at you and nods.

"it's not that hard. here, let me exp-"

"don't bother. i wont understand" you slam your head onto the table

all that was heard after was jaemin pencil moving along his paper or some coughs that other students were faking to break the awkward silence.

feeling something touch your arm, you bring your head up to see a folded piece of paper under you arm.

picking it up, you unfold it and read.

wanna sneak out? - jaemin

looking up at jaemin, your eyes widen and he just signals you to write back.

are you crazy? - y/n

do you want to go or not? - jaemin

fine - y/n

great. meet me by the bathrooms - jaemin

jaemin raises his hand but then remembers that the teacher is still asleep so he grabs his bag and signals you to follow him.

so you pick up your own bag and follow behind jaemin toward the exit of the school.

wow. never knew the good boy would skip school.

-time skip-

you were wearing a simple black tube top that you found in a store that you passed by on and matched it with a pair of light blue shorts. jaemin got himself a white shirt with some simple jeans just so no one would question why you were both wearing school uniform when you weren't in school.

you guys went around from store to store occasionally messing around and buying stuff. you guys are ice cream, donuts, sweets and so on.

"oh my god! no way" you laugh

"yes way" jaemin nods

"that's insane" you continue laughing

"donghyuck is insane"

you both continue laughing as you stood outside the ice cream store. you still haven't bought anything since you were taking to long to think about what flavor you wanted.

"oh no." jaemin face suddenly straightens

"what?" you ask, turning to see what he was looking at

oh no. your math teacher was walking in the same direction as you two. she still hadn't noticed you but you know she will if you don't do something soon.

"what do we do?" you whisper shout

"i-i don't know" jaemin panics

"you're the smart one. do something"


jaemin quickly pins you on the wall and leans in close enough for the teach not to see your faces and for it to look like you two were kissing.

jaemin s hot breath fanned over your own and you both lick eye contact. your eyes widen in shock at your proximity.

a minute later, jaemin stands back up right and coughs nervously. the teacher has already passed by and now has her back facing the two of you.

"um public display of affection made between was proven to make people uncomfortable so i um she wouldn't look at us long enough to realize who were were because she would be disgusted." he explains and you just stand there

"NOT that i'm saying you're disgusting or that we're a couple. i mean, i have nothing against us being a couple. i would like to date you but you probably don't feel the same way so um ill just shut up now" he says nervously

realizing that jaemin just confessed to you, you smile happily and hold onto his hand.

"i think i know what flavor i want now" you smile at him

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