Doyoung ♡ Karaoke

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because you were a broke college student, you needed money. so, a couple of months ago, you got a job at a karaoke room place. it had a good pay plus you got to listen to some good singers. and some bad ones. but let's focus on the good.

lately, these 3 boys have been coming every saturday night and you gotta admit, they were really good. almost too good. what bothered you however was that they would always have high note competition. they were so high that their voices could be heard even from the soundproof walls.

over customers would complain and because you were in charge, you would have to go and tell them off politely which would be embarrassing for you and for them.

embarrassing for you because you were a shy one when it comes to boys, especially cute ones. and they were all cute ones.

you look up at the clock as it strikes 10 pm. right on time, they all stride in with their masks and hats on.

"the same roof if you could" said the one with a built body and clear white skin

"right this way" you say as you pick up the clip board filled with song options and their numbers as well as  an 'in use' sign

you lead them to their usual room and hand the bunny looking one the clipboard.

"h-here are the song options. e-enjoy" you stutter slightly as he looks into your eyes.

"thanks" he pulls down his mask to smile at you before he walks in with his friends behind him

you go sit back down to find your co-worker who just got here on time for her shift.

"did they come already?" she asks eagerly

"yeah. you just missed them" you answer her as you fix some papers

"oh darn. did you start their timer?" she asks

"oh crap! wait here"

you forgot to start their timer. usually if a customer comes, you would lead them to their room and turn on their timer so by the time they leave, you can see how long they have been in for and what their price is.

you stop outside their door and look up to see that the red timer was still on 00:00:00.

oh god.

you lean forward, ready to knock on their door when you heard something that caught your ear.

"donghyuck is in love with y/n~ and he forces us here every saturday to see her and its getting really annoying ~ just confess your undying love for her so we can all go home and sleep~" one of them sings

"shut up! those aren't the lyrics! plus someone might hear you! i'm going to grab a drink from outside for a minute" screams one of them

just then the door opens and you stand face to face. well face to chest of the bunny looking guy since you were short.

"o-oh excuse me" he moves out of the way and squeezes past you with a red face

you shyly walk in and point at the control center for the timer. "i-i forgot to t-turn on th-the timer" you point awkwardly

"oh yeah go ahead" said the other one

you awkwardly make your way to the control center and switch the timer on. turning around, you bump into a chest.

"oof" you step back awkwardly holding onto your forehead

"did you hear anything from before you entered the room?" asks the same bunny guy

"i-i- i have to go back to work" you quickly run out of the room

once you do, you run behind the counter and bring your knees up to your chin as you crouch in the corner.  darae was already sitting and serving some customers who were looking at you weirdly before they walk away.

"what happened?" she asked

"h-he ahh why do i have to be in this situation!

"what happened women?" she asks again

"they were singing a song about that bunny guy liking me" you sigh

"waaaa daebak. and can we just call him by his real name. bunny guy is gonna crack me up" she laughs a little

"well how am i supposed to know his name"

"hmm his name here is taeil. moon taeil."

"moon taeil" you whisper

"um excuse me. we need some help" says one of darae's customers

"coming" she says "moon taeil coming your way" she winks at you before she walks away

you get off the floor and sit down in the now empty seat that darae was sitting on, fixing you hair a little as moon taeil stands in front of you.

"i like you." he says

your mouth immediately drops

"i know you heard what my friend was singing so i might as well confess. i like you kim y/n and i want to know if you'd like to go on a date with me" he says confidentially

"i-i um ok" you mumble

"okay?" he asks

"yeah. i'll go on a date with you moon taeil"

"moon tae- im not moon taeil. im kim doyoung. my friend is moon taeil" he stares at you in disbelief

"m-mianhae! i thought that was your name because that was what was written on the paper!" you confess

"aish gwnechana. you can make it up to me by telling me when you're free for our date"

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