NCT Dreams Reaction To You Breaking Up With Them

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scenario; reaction to you breaking up with them
genre; sad
unit; NCT Dream
a/n; there were no gifs of them crying so i wont put any gifs
a/n 2; if you break these beautiful children's hearts then you're a monster

scenario; reaction to you breaking up with them genre; sadunit; NCT Dreama/n; there were no gifs of them crying so i wont put any gifs a/n 2; if you break these beautiful children's hearts then you're a monster ———————————————

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tears. a lot of them. but only behind closed doors. he would try to act okay in front if the others but everyone knows that he was broken inside. he wouldn't giggle like he used to. his raps were all sad and about heartbreak. he was broken without you


he would try to distract himself but everything he does or anywhere he goes reminds him of you. even a simple spoon would bring back the memory of when you dropped it out of nervousness on your first date together. as soon as memory that included you came back in his mind he would cry.


at first he wouldn't let you go. he wouldn't allow you leave. would still act like your boyfriend by visiting you everyday, bringing you flowers and sending you sweet texts. one day while he was coming over with flowers, he saw you and a boy hugging. it would break him and he'd run away with tears in his eyes.


would try to act tuff and like he didn't care. probably would end up crying to mark telling him how much he missed you and how much he wished he could hold you again. no more sassy remarks. no more funny jokes. he wasn't the same.


he wouldn't smile like he used to. after all, you were his reason for his smile. when he wakes up in the morning he would pick up his phone to text you but would remember that you were no longer his. would cry to himself thinking about where he went wrong.


this boy wouldn't understand why you would want to break up with him. he would question his every past move with you. he would over think so much that he would lose sleep. he would be too tired to even sing.


no more dancing. his dances were always based of of his feelings for you which was always why they were all so fast and jumpy because that was the way you made his heart beat when he even heard your name. it was his first heartbreak and he didn't know what to do. would end up crying in the middle of practice and everyone would stop what they were doing to hug him but he would push them away saying that no one could hug him like you used to.

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