Johnny ♡ Math Teacher

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+82 345 7701: hey
+82 345 7701: ur a math teacher right?

you: umm yes
you: who is this?

+82 345 7701: i'll show u how good i am at math
+82 345 7701: me plus you, minus our cloths, add a bed, dived your legs open equals us multiplying together 😏

you: this is Johnny isn't it

+82 345 7701: ms Kim you really are clever 🙃

you: Johnny you could easily get expelled because of this

+82 345 7701: why?
+82 345 7701: all i ever did was love you
+82 345 7701: so love me back
+82 345 7701: please

you: student and teacher relationships are forbidden

+82 345 7701: so ur saying if i wasn't ur student u'd date me? 😆

you: i never said that Johnny

+82 345 7701: miss Kim i love you ❤️
+82 345 7701: i'll leave the school and join another so we'll be together

you: Johnny you really are insane

+82 345 7701: only for you babe 😉❤️

you: Johnny don't leave the school

+82 345 7701: why?
+82 345 7701: u said you'd date me if i wasn't ur student

you: Johnny I never said that
you: and besides, i'll be moving to the U.S. soon

+82 345 7701: what...
+82 345 7701: ur leaving?

you: yes Johnny

+82 345 7701: i'll come with you.

you: Johnny don't be stupid

+82 345 7701: this might be stupid but im doing it because i love you

you: Johnny please

+82 345 7701: when's ur plane?

you: im not telling you

+82 345 7701: miss Kim.
+82 345 7701: tell me.

you: aish
you: tomorrow at 6:45 am

+82 345 7701: let me book my flight

you: Johnny what about your parents

+82 345 7701: they always told me to follow my dreams 🙃

you: do u even know what part of the U.S. im going to?

+82 345 7701: i heard you talking about L.A. California with Mrs Park at school so im guessing there

you: oh god

+82 345 7701: see u tomorrow babe❤️
+82 345 7701: get some rest 😘♥️
+82 345 7701: night

you: good night

* The next day, At the Airport *

You paid the taxi driver then dragged your bad along the floor with of your hands in your coat pocket.

"Miss Kim, Miss Kim!" you heard
You turn your head to the side to see Johnny running towards you.
"what the hell Johnny!! i thought you were joking!!" you exclaim
"i never joke about the love i have"he wraps his arm around you waist and pulls you closer to his body.

your face hit his chest. you might be older but he sure is taller. he lift your face up and places a long meaningful kiss on your lips.

you stand there eyes widen.

should i kiss back? i mean he is my student. but not anymore. what do i do? he sacrificed his life here for me. oh god Johnny.

your lips begin to move in sync with his. he smiles between the kiss. you pull away for the lack of air.

Johnny looks at you with the biggest smile of his face.
"let's go Miss Kim, before our plane takes off" he holds onto your hand
"call me Y/N from now on"

- 5 years later -

you and Johnny both live in California together in the same house with a beautiful baby boy. you couldn't wish for a better boyfriend than him.

~ Moon SooMin 🌙

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~ Moon SooMin 🌙

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