✎ Cuddling w/ Jisung

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scenario; cuddling with jisung
genre; fluff
member; jisung park

scenario; cuddling with jisung genre; fluffmember; jisung park ———————————————

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✎ oh god lets start

✎ if its the beginning of your relationship then he'd be very very very shy (shy shy shy~)

✎ he would be too shy to even touch you let alone ask you to cuddle

✎ but once you realized he had something to say you asked him what it was

✎ and then he stuttered a bunch of time until you made out the words he was saying

✎ you would laugh slightly and the tell him that you would love to cuddle with him

✎ he wouldn't know what do you so you would take the lead and wrap get his arms wrapped around you

✎ but if it wasn't the beginning of your relationship and he was comfortable with you he would probably tackle you to the touch and hold you tightly

✎ if you were older than him then there would be times where he would be happy to be the little spoon but also want to be manly and be the big spoon

✎ if you're younger than him you would the little spoon and he would be the big spoon

✎he would think you're the cutest thing and snap a bunch if pictures of you when you fall asleep in his arms

✎ but if he was tired he'd be the little spoon

✎ he loves when you play with his hair

✎ would sometimes ask you to sing to him

✎ you'd both end up falling asleep in each others embrace

✎ other members would walk by and take a bunch of pictures of the two of you

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