Jeno ♡ Letters

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y/n-ah dont forget to take care of yourself :) ~ smileyes

this has been happening for around a week already. someone named smileyes has been leaving small notes at your desk in the morning

at first you found it creepy but now you think it's sorta cute. but still sorta creepy.

after telling your friend about it, she pointed out that the name was smileyes which could mean either smile yes or smile eyes. so since then you have been looking around at all the boys who have eyes smiles but mostly in your chemistry class since that's your first period.

you also narrowed it down to who is in the class with an eyes smile at the time of your arrival.

the options were; min jungmin, kim yoook, park charlie and lee jeno.

you only ever talked to two of them however you were only close to min jungmin.

jungmin had been showing signs that he liked you so you kind of suspected it was him. even your friends thought it was him and began shipping you two together.

"hey y/n" jungmin smiles at you

"hey" you smile back

"can i sit next to you?" he asks

"yeah sure" you reply

he sits next to you and you both begin talking about random things until you suddenly said..

"thanks for the notes"

"what?" he asks

"the notes. the ones that you put on my desk everyday. they're from you right?" you question

"oh um yeah. i'm just kind of shocked that you figured it out already" he rubs the back of his neck nervously

"try to work on the name next time" you laugh slightly but shut up when the teacher comes in

the lesson begins and everything was going smoothly. you feel something on your hand so you look down to see jungmin slowly holding your hand.

you smile before looking back up at the teacher. feeling someone staring at you, you notice lee jeno looking at you, your hands, and then at jungmin with what looks like anger in his eyes.

getting kind of scared, you look away.

during lunch

jungmin was sitting next to you with his arm draped around your shoulder. your friends were all uwu-ing over the two of you and as much as you wanted to have fun with all of them, jeno was still glaring at you.

last time you talked with jeno, he was really sweet. you dont know why he's suddenly glaring at you. you were sure you both had a good time last time.

once lunch was over, you wave goodbye to your friends and head towards art class, which you had without any of your friends.

art was your one of your favorite subjects but the hallway that it was in was terrifying. your school didn't like art that much. they focused on math, science and korean more than art, dance and music.

all the underrated subjects were put into one old hallway at the back of the school. it was pretty dark.

suddenly, you were pushed onto the locker. you let out a scream but a hand quickly muffles your cries.

"are you and jungmin a thing now?" he asks


"answer my darn question y/n." he slams his hand on the locker

"y-yeah we are. he-he's been leaving notes at my d-desk for a week and i-i found out i-it was him" you answer, kind of scared

"you believe him! i bet he doesn't even know the code name used." he whisper the last part to himself

"w-what do you mean?" you ask

"watch out y/n. believe me when i say he's not the one" was the last thing he said before walking away

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