Lucas ♡ I'm Going To Steal Your Girl PT. 2

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——— Y/N P.O.V ———

once we arrive outside of the dorm, mark let's go of your hand to fish out his keys. he unlocks the door, making way for you to walk in first before following behind you.

you slip off your shoes, waiting for mark who throws his arm around your shoulder as you both stride to the living room where all 7 boys sat.

"noona!" the dream boys (other than renjun) run towards you screaming

they all hug you tightly until you couldn't breath. they let you go eventually and mark quickly takes his chance to pull you to sit next to him before any of them could start arguing about who you sit next to.

"annyeonghasayo" you bow your head at lucas who still wasn't a close friend of yours

"annyeonghasayo" he bows back

"noona where are you been?! we missed you" says chenle

"sorry lele. i've been spending a lot of time with this one before he goes on tour. after he does then we can hang out" you smile at chenle

"what about me? don't i get time to hang out with you?" pouts haechan

"we can hangout after your tour is over" you chuckle at his pout

"don't remind me of the tour babe. i'm already missing you and being without you for 7 months is going to kill me" mark sighs as he digs his head into the crook if your neck

"i know oppa but we already promised each other to call and text everyday" you lay your head on his

——— Lucas P.O.V ———

seeing them all lovey-dovey together broke my heart. when she said hello to me it made my heart go all crazy just because i got a second of her attention but she's clearly in love with mark.

i don't want to break my bond with mark. i don't want to break his trust. but i life is a competition. if she falls in love with me then she'll break up with mark and although i don't want mark to be heartbroken, i just can't help but imagine her telling him that she's in love with me.

will he accept us? will he hate us? i don't know. but for now i just have to focus on getting her to love me like i love her.

i snap out of my daze and look up at the couple. mark had his fingers intertwined with hers as she laughs with jisung and jeno over something that jaemin said. mark looks at her with love before placing his 2 fingers on her face, twisting her face to look at him as he places his lips on hers.

the other dreams squeal and cover their eyes in disgust. a couple of 'eww's and 'get a room' were thrown as the couple break the kiss and just smile at each other with their foreheads connected.

"i love you~" he coos at her

"i love you more~" she coos back

a hand wrapped around my shoulder, i look to see jeno looking at me sadly with a faint smile. he mouths a 'its okay' at me before placing his attention back on y/n and the rest.

i also look back at y/n who already had her eyes on me, making my heart beat faster. she breaks contact and looks back at mark who hold her closer to his body before looking at me with a slight glare.

"i'm going to order food for all of us. lucas can you memorize the orders and write them down for me?" asks y/n

"o-oh um y-yeah s-sure" i stutter

"perfect" he gets off the couch, giving mark one last peck on the lips before going to pick up the home phone.

"so um what do you guys want?" i ask

"the usual" shrugs renjun before slouching back down

i nod, get up and walk towards y/n who was in the kitchen, waiting patiently. she looks at me and quickly dials the number on the phone and asks what the orders are.

"just the usual" i say

after she finishes ordering, i begin walking back but she quickly grabs onto my wrist, spinning me around.

"wait. why do you keep staring at me?" she asks

because i'm deeply in love with you.

"is it because.. you heard what i said. look when i said you were okay i only said that because we're not close and because i still dont know you. but as soon as mark has his tour im sure we'll have a lot of time to hang out and get to know each other." she confesses

"oh um yeah right. well should we get back now?" i ask

"yeah. lets go" she smiles at me before running back to mark

sorry mark but im about to
steal your girls.

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