Jungwoo ♡ Holy Crap! He's hot

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Slouching onto the couch with your boyfriend of 5 months, you lay your head on his shoulder sleepily.

"Tired?" He asks

"Nope. Just bored" you answer

"Wanna watch a movie?" He asks

"What do you wanna watch?" You ask

"Umm Avengers?" He suggests

"Hmm ok. I'll make the popcorn"

You get off the couch and made your way to the kitchen where you opened the top cabinet and pulled out the popcorn carton. You plop a bag into the microwave and watch it pop.

Once it finishes, you pour it into a large bowl, plopping one in your mouth before going to sit back down with Jungwoo.

You switch off the lights then snuggle into his warm embrace as the movie begins.

At first, the whole place was on fire as a bunch of really weird looking alien things appeared on the screen.

The movie continues playing as you drop off some short comments like..

"Holy crap is that Liam Hemsworth?!"

"Holy crap! He's hot"

"Oh my– daddy!"


"Omg he's so cute!"

"Marry me Tom!"

"God for a 45 year old he's hot"

Suddenly the screen goes black. You drop your hand back in the popcorn bowl in disbelief.

"Wha-what happened? It was getting to the good part!" You look at Jungwoo who just chews on his popcorn

"Don't you think I'm hot?" He pouts at you

"Wha-whoa wait. You're jealous that I kept on calling those actors hot?" You ask as he nods his head cutely.

"Aigoo Jungwoo you're too cute" you pinch his cheeks

"No! I'm hot!" He whines

"Yes you are." You peck his lips "but Tom Holand was pretty hot too"


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