CL + RJ ♡ Who do you pick?

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"y/n! y/n!" the voice of your best friend could be heard from behind you

turning around you watch little chenle running towards you with his backpack flying wild and his phone in his hand that was held high.

he stops in front of you and leans against the blue locker next to yours to take a breath.

"what is it chenle?" you ask

"min-minah gave me her number" he eventually catches his breath

minah? as in song minah? the prettiest girl in the school and also the kindest. the one that chenle has had a crush on for years.

"o-oh. wow. congrats lele" you smile shakily at him

"and guess what!"

"what?" you ask

"we're hanging after school! can you believe it! she finally noticed me" you jumps

wait.. but we were going to hang out today.

"that's great lele. i-im glad that your happy" you smile sadly

the bell rings signaling that it was time for class. you wave goodbye to chenle who was walking beside you to class since that they are just acros the hall for each other.

you get in class and sit down on your seat. chenle really liked minah. but you really liked chenle.

you've been best friend since you were both seven. you both met at a children's camp that your parents sent you to and one day while the big kids were playing volleyball, they accidentally hit you on the head. chenle helped you.

an hour later, class finishes and you go to your locker where you collect your books for the chemistry text on monday.

chenle walks past you with minah next to him. you walk behind them but not because you're a creep! because the exit is the same way.

"oh me and y/n went to that ice cream plac-" you overheard chenle say but was cut of by minah

"don't talk about her. you're with me now" she wraps her arm around his

"o-oh. yeah. sorry" he apologizes

once you get home, you try to forget everything about what happened today. you weren't going to let your heartbreak get to you.

you were a strong girl. you pull out your phone and scroll through instagram, snapchat and play some games. after feeling bored, you decide to text your older friend renjun.

he replies minutes later and you both agree to go out together. it was the weekend after all. you get ready just on time as you hear a knock on your front door.

you wave goodbye to your mom before going with renjun. you both walk around town, occasionally stopping at some stores. renjun bought you some cat ears and you got him some mouse ones. you even got a face paint of some cat whisker on your face and renjun got some mouse teeth drawn on his lips.

after feeling hungry, renjun decide tells you about a close ice cream store. the thought of some cold ice cream sounded amazing so you agreed.

as you got closer to the store, you recognized it as the store that you went with chenle when it first opened.

renjun opens the door for you and you walk to the counter where you order both of your ice creams.

"oh y/n. hi hyung" you heard behind you

"oh hi chenle, didn't know you'd be here" says renjun

you pick up both of your ice creams and hand one to renjun.

"you look cute y/n" chenle comments

"thanks" you smile lazily at him

"where minah?" you ask

"she left" chenle shrugs

"oh..why?" asks renjun

"she said something about me always talking about y/n"

flashback [chenle pov]

"y/n and i came here and there was a competition. the person who could eat the most ice cream in 5 minutes wins. y/n got a brain freeze immediately but she ate a lot. like too much for her small body to handle. she wouldn't agree to walk after so i had to carry her home"

"ya zhong chenle. are you on a date with me or y/n. aish i knew you liked her" minah picks up her bag and storms out

"i guess i do like her" i whisper to myself

flashback ended [y/n pov]

"oh wow" you breath

"you can't like y/n!" renjun says

"why? she's my best friend" fights chenle

"because i like her!"

"who do you choose y/n?" asks chenle

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