Jeno ♡ Photoshoot

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*Y/N P.O.V*

You sat in the black van with your manager at your side. The car holts at its place, signaling you what you must put on your mask. Your manager opens the door and steps outside with you following. She and some guards lead you inside the building after making your way through the swarm of fans.

As soon as you enter, you take off your mask and follow your manager but making sure to bow to every staff member you see. She leads you to a boy around your age and his manager at his side. You bow politely to them with a smile on your face.
"Annyeonghasayo Kang Y/N iminda" you introduce yourself.
"Annyeonghasayo Lee Jeno iminda" he introduces himself
"Y/N-ah you will be working with Jeno at this photoshoot and you will both have to act like a couple allgeso?"
"Ne" you nod your head
"Y/N and Jeno please go to the make up and hair section" informs one of the staff
"Ne unnie" you bow

You take a seat on the chair that stood in front of a mirror while many unnie's work on your hair and make up.
"Its great to be working with you Y/N sunbae" you heard
You turn your head to the left to see Jeno getting ready as well
"You don't need to be so formal. We're both the same age" you smile at him
"Em I'll keep that in mind" he nods his head
"So how are you feeling about the theme of this photoshoot?" You ask
"I don't mind it. Although it's going to be my first time doing such, I'm willing to try" he explains
"Mhm" you nod your head

You two continue talking until all your hair and makeup was finished. They send you into the changing rooms and you both come out minutes later. You walk up to the photographer and ask him what your supposed to do next.
"For this part of the photoshoot, its going to look like you guys are taking the photo's in a mirror so one of your is going to be holding the camera and pointing it foreword but don't take any pictures allegso?" He explain
"Em ne samchon" you nod your head.

You and Jeno both sit down on the white floor with a white background. At first, they give Jeno the camera and you both pose for the picture.

"Thats nice" you compliment "Yeah, I agree" Jeno smiles "Alright, go one next outfit" they shoo you two

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"Thats nice" you compliment
"Yeah, I agree" Jeno smiles
"Alright, go one next outfit" they shoo you two.

You come back out wearing a yellow button up shirt with a plane white shirt under in and some back short with a baseball cap at your side. Jeno comes out wearing a yellow button up and some navy blue jeans with a navy blue hat. They hand you the camera and they mange to snap a picture.

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