Jaehyun ♡ Blind Date

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"come one Y/N pleaseee" begs your friend, Yeri

"no Yeri, im not doing it" you say
"look i know that all the other blind dates were a fail but i promise that this one is going to be good" she promises

"that's what you said about the last bazillion" you continue walking with her following you

"pleaseeeee Y/N, i'm doing this for your own good. i don't want you to be alone forever"

"ugh fine. when and where?" you give in

"AREUM cafe, 6:30 pm" she answers

"if this date doesn't go well then you have to promise to never set me up on blind dates ever again" you tell her

"okay fin, i promise" she pouts

"and you have to treat me ice cream" you add

"wa- aniyo!" she retorts

"fine then, im not going" you thump on the couch

"ugh fine just get your lazy butt up, its 5:45 already"

you got up, took a shower, did you hair, put on light make up and dressed up (outfit in the media above).

by the time you were done, it was already 6:20. you picked up your purse and walked out of the door after Yeri did a quick outfit check.

once you enter the cafe, you look around, trying to find someone who might be your date. you felt a light tap on you shoulder so your crank your head to the side only to see a very handsome boy standing beside you.

"Y/N?" he asks

"um yes I am, and you must be my date?" you ask

"yeah i am. hi im JaeHyun" he takes out his hand

"nice to meet you" you shake hands

"let's go sit" he gestures you to a table

you sit down at a seat beside the window. you look out for a second and see many couples, old and young, together.

"this is why Yeri wanted me to get in a relationship" you mutter

"huh?" he asks

"oh um nothing" you smile

"come on, you can tell me" he smiles at you

"i'm just thinking about why Yeri wants me to be in a relationship so bad...and when i look around , i see that all the couples here are happy...she just wants me to be happy" you sigh

"Yeri always wants everyone to be happy, its in her blood" he chuckles "and if you want, we can be in a relationship is it makes you happy" he suggested

"eh we just met though"

"right, sorry. let's get to know each other first" he suggests

"good idea"

"i'll start, im a CEO of Jung Incorporated"

"wahh jinjja? I work at SM Entertainment as a Choreographer"

"wow you dance?"

"yeah but im not amazing"

"well if SM accepted you then you must be. what group do you help?" he asks



the date goes on pretty smoothly, you both had common interests and you would be lying if you said that you did develop feels for him.

right now, he was walking you home, you arms brushed against each other. you had JaeHyun's jacket wrapped around you since he didn't want you to catch a cold.

JaeHyun got the courage to link your two pinkies together. you look down at your hands then back up at JaeHyun who was giving you a 'is it okay if i do this?' look and you just smile.

you reach your house and take off the jacket so you can give it to JaeHyun. he smiles at you. you both look at each other's eyes before he slowly leans in. a few inches were left between you and JaeHyun's lips

"can i kiss you?" he asks

you nod you head and he places his lips on yours. the kiss goes on before you both pull away for the need of air.

"goodnight" he pecks you lips

"night" you smile before entering you house

you smile like an idiot until you notice Yeri was sitting on your couch, surrounded by snacks.

"ya whats the meaning of this?!" you ask

"hey, im the reason you that you and JaeHyun are together now so i deserve this" she snaps

before you could answer, you phone dings. its a message from JaeHyun

JaeHyun: second date or can I calm you mine already?

JaeHyun: second date or can I calm you mine already?

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He'S sO CuTe! SAvE mE!!

- Moon SooMin

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